Chapter 4 brutes

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We got everyone up and set up camp we could see scarabs but we didn't attack we needed to heal and plus the ODSTs would hold em back long enough but the ODSTs we took there 2 were missing the 2 others died and the last one knocked out and lost a lot of blood I ready my team on what to do when I hear BRUTS!!"shhh guys is that what I think it is"Mickey said softly "I gonna go with yea" I replied "team ready up" I grab. My magnum and load it since my AR got wrecked in the crash as soon as I see I brute I fire at him my bullet pricionsly hitting the brute in the head he fell to the floor with a thud my team doing the same the brutes alarmed start to fire back but it was to late we over ran them completely but I was alarmed when I saw 5 chieftains coming toward us with hammers so I thing fast and through two granades at one and fire three quick shots the chieftain fell to the ground with another that was killed by the granade the other chieftains inraged they ran toward me I fire my gun when one slammed his hammer on the ground sending me flying about 1 meter away from where I was now my arm was overloaded with pain he is about to bring his hammer down again but I stab in in the foot with my combat knife he jerked back yelling in pain giving me time to throw a granade at his face hitting him he fell to the floor unconscious I land the final blow on him when a look at my team they just finished killing the final chieftain and looked at the place where they came from.

We armed up on the weapons we found I only had a magnum not a bad choice so we sprinted down the hill finding countless brute squads we haven't even got there and our Amo was low luckily we found a pelican that had crashed we walked over to it when chieftains and brutes came out from the pelican we hid and scouted and I looked at a brute he had an AR in his hand why would he use one of those I thought just as a brute was about to hit me I turned missing his punch by an inch I reach to my gun when he falls to the floor I look around and see Ricky with a Sniper  he looks up I turn and shoot at the brutes when I hear "click" "oh God"  I say when I hear the mag fall to the floor "well there goes my amo" I say I let out a battle cry and pick up the brutes needler and aim at a group of chieftains two dropped to the floor with hammers one shot a fuel rod at me hitting the tree I was hiding behind my needler explodes shotting needles everywhere I flip my self up and sprint to the pelican but fail when a chieftain hits the ground with its hammer I grab the wall of the pelican flip my self up and grab a sniper I turn around the chieftain brakes my gun now I'm on the floor in pain with a chieftain right by my feet my shield dropped I wanted to just close my eyes and except my death but no we came this far I look around if there is any weapon I can use no luck though the chieftain lifts his hammer and growls.

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