Chapter 5 scarabs

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It brought its hammer down I moved my head out the way, the force of the hammer smashed me through the wall of the pelican I was in so much pain my vision was blurry when I regain my vision I look around there was a Granade on the floor next to a magnum with no ammo I grab both and revise that the chieftain was coming at me again so I threw the granade into the hammer it blew the chieftain off the edge of the cliff he grabbed on a rock and was howling I threw the magnum at his hand and he fell to his doom. I only noticed now that the scarabs weren't to far from us. I look at my team they are all set but I'm not the only one hurt Swift had a large cut and was bleeding a lot and Jake had a cut in his chest and was in the floor. My legs hurt too much to stand so I lie on the floor and look at the scarabs and think about how we are going to take out that many with such a little amount about of supplies

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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