two - old friends

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A shiver rippling through my body due to the sudden cold, I stepped out of the shower and onto the cold bathroom floor. Reaching into the cupboard, I pulled out a big white towel for my body and an identical small one for my hair. After wrapping my hair in the towel, I began rubbing my body to dry myself off before wrapping it under my arms and stepping out of the steamy bathroom.

Thinking that everyone else was still asleep, I padded as quietly as I could back into my bedroom. I was starting school today, which was why I was showering at six thirty in the morning. Quickly and quietly as I could, I dried and styled my hair before getting dressed in the required school uniform. I lined my eyes and put on some mascara then grabbed my already packed school back. Biting my lip, I checked over myself in the mirror hanging behind my door. I really hated wearing a uniform, but it was school and I had to. No matter how stupid it looked. It could have been worse, I suppose. We weren't forced to wear some stupidly long skirt or anything. The skirt was plain black and stopped about two inches above my knee, matched with black tights, a white shirt and a red and black tie. This wasn't actually my first time wearing this uniform; I'd attended this high school for a few years before moving down to England and Joshua had went there too.

Trying not to make too much noise, I walked out of my bedroom and downstairs to get breakfast. Yawning, I put two slices of bread in the toaster before lifting myself onto the counter to wait.

"Morning." A voice said causing me to nearly fall from the counter. Louis was standing in the door way, leaning against the frame casually in a white v-neck shirt and grey tracksuit bottoms. My eyes wandered down his body, noticing that some of his tattoos were visible through the white of his shirt. I couldn't make any specific designs or words out because of the shirt - but it was obvious he had a decent collection going on.

"Morning, why are you up this early?" I asked curiously.

"Early riser." He replied with a shrug before walking towards the kettle and pouring water into it. "Want a cup?" I shook my head.

"So you're like, what, twenty? And you get up at - " I checked the time on my phone, " - quarter to eight in the morning? For no reason?"

"I'm nineteen, actually. And I gave you a reason - I'm an early riser." He said matter of factly and I rolled my eyes at him. Strange boy.

Luckily, at that moment my toast was ready and I lowered myself from the counter to get the butter from the fridge. Louis and I stood in silence as I made my breakfast and he made his tea. There was something I'd been dying to ask him since we first spoke, so I decided that then was probably a good time since I couldn't stand awkward silences.

"Where's your accent from?" I questioned as I took a bite from my toast.

"My mouth." Louis stated dryly. He sent me an sarcastic smile as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Where are you from?"

"England." He said, licking his lips. I puffed out my cheeks and Louis chuckled at my response and glanced at me. "Doncaster."

"That was all I was asking." I murmured, taking another bite of toast. As much as I hated the silence, Louis didn't seem to mind it so I left it. He really enjoyed pushing my buttons, didn't he?

Once I'd finished my breakfast and Louis was sat at the table reading something on his phone, I checked the time on my phone. It was eight o'clock, which meant I had to leave for school since it was a half hour walk from my house. I took a second to debate whether or not to say bye to Louis, but decided not to since I didn't know how to break the silence. Silently, I left the kitchen and walked towards the front door pulling on my jacket. As I was just stepping outside I heard a faint 'bye Kelsey' from the kitchen and I shook my head at the ground. Of course he waited until the last second; I knew he was deliberately making me feel awkward. Or maybe he just wasn't properly adjusted and didn't know how to act appropriately in social situations. Either way, it was as annoying as hell.

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