four - morning talks

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"Do you want a lift?" Joshua offered as he flicked through channels.

"Thanks, but Tyler's picking me up."

"Is he bringing you home too?"

"Yeah, as far as I know. I'll text you otherwise." I kissed Joshua on the cheek and checked the time on my phone. Tyler was due to arrive at any second now and nerves were boiling up inside me. At that moment, the doorbell rang and I turned to answer it with Joshua hot on my tail. My hand rested on the handle but before I opened it I turned to Joshua, "Be nice."

"Aren't I always?"

"Not to guys that I date."


My eyes rolled at him and I pulled the door open to find Tyler grinning at me. He glanced up and down, "You look hot - " As he said this he looked over my shoulder and must have met Joshua's eyes behind me, " - beautiful. I mean, you look beautiful." He corrected himself. Joshua was obviously pleased with his correction which only caused me to roll my eyes.

"Have fun, Kels." He told me and gave me a sweet smile until his face turned serious and he looked up at Tyler, "You too, Taylor."

"It's Tyler."

"Whatever, dude." Joshua shrugged and walked back towards the living room.

My eyes rolled as I turned to Tyler. "Sorry about him. He's very protective - ready to go?"

Tyler didn't seem too taken aback my Joshua's behaviour while he nodded at me and gestured for me to follow him to his car. We made small talk about the weather and how our day's had been on the way to the the restaurant. Within the next half hour, we were seated at a table and eating our food while Tyler was telling me everything interesting that I'd missed while I'd been away. We were having fun, and I spent a lot of the time laughing at something he said. Something felt really off about him though.There was a pit in my stomach telling me that something wasn't right. But I couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was - so I just ignored it and passed it off as me just being paranoid. He was a nice guy and I needed to stop over reacting.

We finished eating a while later and we were walking towards his car. Once we made it to his car, he held my door open for me but grabbed my wrist to stop me from sitting down. My hand twisted in his slightly too tight grasp. He let go but only by slightly.

"I had a really good night, Kelsey." He said, smiling down at me.

"Me too." I confirmed, with a smile that felt wrong as it corved onto my lips.

Tyler continued to smile down at me, and before I realised it he was leaning down towards me. It wasn't until he was only a few centimetres from my phase that I actually processed what was happening and put my hand on his chest to push him back. His eyebrows furrowed together at my action.

I sighed, "Sorry, it's just, this is our first date. Maybe not so fast, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay. Whatever." Tyler murmured, before stalking around to the opposite side of the car to drive. He didn't even speak on the way home. Why the hell was he so pissed off that I wouldn't kiss him? Was it so wrong for me to wait to decide if I actually wanted to kiss him? Sure, he was cute and funny - but I liked to way two or three dates to kiss someone.

However, I was starting to feel slightly guilty about how much this had effected him. So when he pulled into my driveway, I sat for a few seconds before leaning across to the drivers side and planted a kiss on Tyler's cheek. His lips twitched into a smile at this, which I returned.

"I'll see you in school." He said, before repeating that he'd had a nice times. We exchanged our goodbyes before I got out of the car and started walking towards my front door.

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