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Music - Mozart's  Symphony No. 40

Johnny had three wishes
But they all became speck of dust,
Spread far and wide,
Mingled with earth.

The first  was 'Mother'
Now Johnny had one,
A lady with a smile adorned by none,
And a passion to love and to write,
She sat days under the sun with a lamp
Even with the poor eye sight,
To brighten her poetry.
She wrote and wrote and wrote,
Till one morning
It was only words and she just like her poetries lived in hearts
But not on earth anymore.

The second wish was 'A Father'
He held Johnny so tight in his arms that he couldn't breathe
And every breathe he took was counted
Unlike the scars the scars on his back
Or wounds in his heart - unheeded and unaided.

Johnny wanted love,
So badly that it trembled his soul with a need so infinite,
He was deprived, and his bones were hollow,
It drove him insane,
And ultimately the world called him 'Lost'
For his words were mumbles and unintelligible.

Under the Cherry tree Johnny sat,
With blood on his feet, dirt on his face and shine in his eyes,
His mind slowly ate all his memories, good and bad
Till there was only empty soul and heart,
Johnny was too far away now with only his loud laughter echoing 
As his last memory deep etched in  Hazel's mind.

Hazel, a girl with only sixteen years of life
And in love with Johnny
She didn't wish to be a 'compagna'
But an artist
Drawing Johnny in every word she wrote.

I know not Johnny
But Hazel did when his eyes were her hills
And his mind her journey
And today even you do.

All rights reserved.

Compagna -  Female partner/mate/ in Italian

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