The Orgy

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Amandeep was crowned winner of the dicklympics! He was overjoyed and so was his dick; his dick was now flaccid and was squirting yellow liquid out. To celebrate, amandeep decided to hold an orgy. He started to aim his dick at everyone and piss on them. Those who still had a penis/hadn't passed out joined in with the pee fight. James was trying to avoid getting sprayed and so he ran away to the girls. The orgy started when Amaan grabbed fiona and maira and had a threesome with them. James M wanted to join and so it became a foursome. Everyone stopped pissing on each other and started to anal each other. Rowan walked over with a box of condoms with various anime characters on them and started offering them out for free. The girls came over to see what was going on and they joined in. Soon, all of year 11 on the trip were having an orgy and there were bodily fluids being excreted everywhere! Everyone was having a good time until when connor and amandeep were doing anal and connor's dick got stuck in amandeep's tight asshole. He physically couldn't get his dick out and was in excruciating pain. Everyone tried to get Winnie the Pooh (connor's dick) out of the honey tree (amandeep's asshole) but no matter how much they pulled and yanked and tugged, they couldn't get it out! They tried using extra virgin oil to try and unstick connor's dick but it was no good. An ambulance was called and they couldn't prise amandeep's ass open enough for connor's dick to be removed. They had to go to hospital, still in the doggystyle anal positioning. They could only do one thing- chop connor's dick off and leave it in amandeep's asshole. Amandeep's bum would have connor's penis left in it as a constant reminder of the dicklympics and the orgy. The operator lifted an axe-like piece of equipment and swung...

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