Temari's Surprise | Part 1

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Sorry for the late update, this is part 1, I will tell you which part has a lemon like an indicator but right now it's not here, just the story. ;)

Note; this is around Shippuden.

Sorry for the late update, this is part 1, I will tell you which part has a lemon like an indicator but right now it's not here, just the story. ;)

Note; this is around Shippuden.

" What a drag, why did I set up the alarm if I'm gonna wake up before it." Shikamaru said, getting up to turn off the alarm. He put a shirt on and sweatpants.

He head downstairs. He went to the kitchen and found his mom and Ino.

" Hey Shikamaru, how was your beauty sleep." Ino said, all happy and girly. Shikamaru knew something was up.

" What a drag." He said, even he knew what was going on. He already knew.

" Shikamaru Nara! Greet Ino more properly!" Yoshino said, turning around pointing at Shikamaru with a butter knife.

" Alright, Alright, lets not go to crazy, okay?" Ino said.


I walked the streets he didn't seem to be anywhere, it seemed like this trip to Konoha was just a waste of my birthday. Oh well I guess I better continue on, I wish I could really see him right now. Maybe he's here, or he's doing something around the village. I should go visit him.
' Why did I come here?'
She thought and walked her way to lazy-ass's house.

" Ino, what are you doing here? Not to be rude or anything." He asked getting his breakfast but ate the toast with butter and a little bit of sugar.

" You Baka, did you forget something?" Ino said.

" What?"

" It's Temari's Birthday, Baka!"
Ino and Yoshino said in unison.

" I already know."

" What!?"

" Yeah, why did you think I was doing for the past few days, and not hanging out with you guys!" Shikamaru yelled.

" Sheesh, You don't gotta yell." Ino said.

" Shikamaru! Inside voices!" Yoshino said.

" Alright, Alright and Ino, don't ever say that I forget Temari's birthday." Shikamaru said in an aggressive tone,

" Fine."

' Ding, Dong '

" I'll get it!" Ino said


Temari fixed her clothes right after she hit the doorbell.

The door open.

" Hey Temari!"

Temari was surprised, what was she doing here.

" Hey Ino, is Shikamaru here."

Then Shikamaru popped up behind Ino and made his way in front of her.

" Hey Troublesome Woman"

" Ugh, can't he say anything but that word. Can he even say my name, hpm we can play that game Shikamaru Nara."

Temari thought,

" Hey lazy-ass, or should I say crybaby?"

' Dammit there she goes again'
Shikamaru thought

" Troublesome, come inside."

Shikamaru said, opening the door wider as she went inside, he followed after Ino.

Shikamaru sat across the table from Temari and Ino sat next to Shikamaru.

" Have you ate breakfast?"

Shikamaru asked.

" No, I just got here."

" Oh Okay, Mom is it alright if you can make breakfast for Temari!"

" Yes dear, sure"
Yoshino responded.

Temari looked at Shikamaru confused, he never done anything like that to her before, it's like he's showing a more softer side.

" So what brings you here, Temari?"

Ino asked.
Shikamaru stood from his seat to put Ino and he's plate away.

" What, Konaha or here?"

She responded nervously.

" Well I meant Konaha but, you got me wondering so here."

' Nice going Temari'
Temari thought to herself.

" Oh nothing, just came to visit."

" Well without stopping to eat breakfast, you came straight here."

" I guess you can say that"

" Well I best be better going.
Shikamaru! I'll report to Lady Tsunade for you K! Bye guys"

Everyone said, " Bye."

" At least I got that over with."

Shikamaru said, as he came back with a plate of food for Temari.

" Here, Eat Up."

" Thanks"

" So what brings you to Konaha?"

Temari think about her response, she didn't want to make the same mistake like Ino.

" Nothing, just vacation, that's all."

" Hmm ok, so hey wanna come with the gang. We are going to the Amusement Park."

" Yeah sure."

Temari responded

' Did this idiot forgot my birthday he never done that!'

Temari thought.

" What time?"

" Later on, I don't know. Let's just hang out."

' What hang out? What is this idiot up to? '

" Hang out? Where"

" Well for starters let's try the hill in the Nara forest."

" Um Okay."

' How dare he call me a starter, it's not the first time I've been there. '

Temari finished up her breakfast and waited in the living room. As Shikamaru gotten ready.


Shikamaru And Temari  [ LEMONS ] DiscontinuedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt