•Stranded & Lost•

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The girls have spent 20 minutes driving until the car started to slow down.

"Excuse me, um what's going on?" Rosé slurred and sat up.

The Uber's car pulled over to the side of the rode and the strange driver turned to look at the girls.

"Your bank account suddenly shut down so I can't get the money. Get out!" He barked.

"Aish can't we just give you money?" Jennie started to panic, they weren't even close to home and it's 3 in the morning so the girls wouldn't even be awake to pick them up.

Jennie doesn't even know where they are right now actually, it was dark back rode.

"Fine...that will be $90."

Jennie quickly went through her purse and grabbed her wallet. She pulled out fifty dollars but stopped, she realized she didn't have enough.

"Rosé do you have $40?"

"I might have spent all of my money..." Rosé squeaked.

Jennie mentally slapped herself for spending 50 dollars on alcohol and not being smart.

"Sir, we are 40 dollars short..." Jennie mumbled, hoping he would let them off the hook.

"Get out."



"FINE!!....asshole!!" Jennie mumbled as she pushed Rosé out the door.

The car drove off, leaving Jennie and Rosé lost and stranded.

"Great...this is just fabulously fantastic isn't it!?" Jennie huffed.

Rosé sat on a rock and stared up at the stars wondering if they were going to get home.



"I'll just cal Yoongi!!" Jennie pulled out her phone and quickly clicked on Yoongi's name.

Three rings went by until a sleepy "hello" was heard.

"Ah sorry to wake you but I need a huuuge favor!"

"Calling me already?" Jennie could basically hear Yoongi smirking through the phone.

"Aish I wouldn't be if our uber didn't leave us two hours away from our home."

"What!? He just left you guys?? Where are you!" Yoongi almost yelled through the phone, how dare he leave the two girls.

"I'm coming."

"Wait you don't even know where we are?"

Yoongi laughed awkwardly through the phone, realizing she probably thought he was dumb.

"Well then where are you guys?"


"Is that Rosé?"

"Unfortunately...yes." Jennie sighed through the phone as Yoongi laughed.

"Anyway, we are at some back rode. I really don't know, Yoongi."

"Is there a purple line going down the rode?"

"Uh yeah?"

"I know where that is! I'll be right over, don't move."

"I wouldn't plan on it..." Jennie rolled her eyes and hung up.

She couldn't stand what was going on right now, Jennie hated not being able to take care of things herself.

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