Round 1!

84 7 0

Round 1 judging begins from tomorrow!

Now with the bad news. Due to a shortage of books, we have to combine genres. (Unfortunately)

So the categories now are:-

Teen Fiction. This genre had a lot of books so we left it untouched.
Total: 11 books

Romance/General Fiction/Historical Fiction (3+2+1)
Total: 6 Books

Short Story/Poetry/Humour (2+6+1)
Total: 9 Books

Fantasy/Adventure/Mystery Thriller (6+3+4)
Total: 14 Books


For all the Judges and the curious participants, this is how the judging procedure will go about.

↪Each judge will be assigned certain books which will be sent to them via PM.

↪The judges are required to read atleast three chapters of each book.

↪The books should be scored out of 50 on the following basis:-

(While judging, ask yourself the following questions.)

🔸5 marks for Description. How well is it written? Does it make you want to read the book? Is it intriguing?

🔸5 marks for Cover. Is the cover appealing? Is it relevant to the the story/plot?

🔸10 marks for Grammar/Spelling. Are there grammatical errors? How often are they repeated? Is it a turn-off?
🔸10 marks for Story Telling. Does the writing have a flow? Are the paragraph changes abrupt? How well do you undertsand the characters? Are there elements such as cliff hangers that make you hooked onto the book?

🔸15 marks for Plot. Is the plot unique? Are there major twists that does not make it cliche? Is it too bland/dull?

🔸5 marks for Relevance To The Genre. While judging, we often notice how books of one genre are signed up for another. For example, in one of the awards, there were many Teen Fiction books submitted in the Humour genre. If the book is relevant to its genre, go ahead and give a full 5. If not, 0.

🔸Total: 5+5+10+10+15+5= 50🔸

↪After scoring the books, select the Top 5 out of all the books you've judged.

↪Give a brief reason as to why you liked it and selected it in the Top 5. Don't keep it more than 5 lines.

↪These 5 books will later be judged in Round 2.

So that's the judging procedure. The awards are now officially CLOSED.


I_AmBooked & BoredOfBoring

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