08, wasn't the same

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it wasn't the
same feeling



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Since the night locked in that storage room with Will, Emi hadn't seen him. Sure, they'd spoken over text, but it wasn't the same. It never could be. It wasn't the same as seeing his smile as she told him her story or hearing his bursts of laughter as he told her his. It wasn't the same as watching him watch her as she spoke. It wasn't the same as feeling his hand on her waist as he kissed her slow.

Sometimes she thought about that kiss and wondered why it hadn't happened again yet, but then she remembered with a quiet sadness that their texting had died out after a few months.

Between her university work and Will dropping out to do YouTube, they didn't have a lot of time. Where one of them was free, the other was up to their neck in work. Asking how their day was at ten at night and getting a response at four in the morning didn't work out for Emi in the slightest.

She wished there was more she could do about it, but really she didn't know what could be done. There were times where Kirsty would tell her to get her act together and just tell him to meet her at a certain time.

And she did try it, but he was always busy.

When he wasn't busy, she was in her bubble, writing an essay or notes or reading yet another old poetry book. She missed his calls a lot of the time too. She couldn't remember the last time she'd heard his voice from the amount of times she'd missed his calls because she'd had her phone turned off to prevent distraction.

In all the hassle, Emi decided that it wasn't worth it and slowly the texts died out until there was silence between them.



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"So," Kirsty began, pausing for a decisive lick of her lolly pop. It stained her tongue red, a red carpet striking down the middle. "What're you gonna do for your birthday this year? And if you say 'go for a meal', this lolly id being rammed so far up your arse that you'll taste the cherry flavouring." She pointed the sweet at Emi threateningly.

"What's wrong with that? I like going for food and drinking too much wine in a public place," Emi said with a pout across her pink lips, looking at her best friend, who was wrapped in the arms of her, now, boyfriend, over the top of her laptop. "What if I said you could bring Lewis, too?"

Kirsty hummed for a second, but then shook her head in disagreement. "A tempting offer, but you had a birthday meal last year after you refused to let me throw you a party."

Emi sighed. "You want to throw one this year instead, I'm guessing?" She questioned, her fingers hovering over the keys.

"Of course I do! Besides, it'll be a lot of fun. Kind of like mine but with less time spent in a storage room and more time dancing and drinking and having fun, even though I'm sure you had fun in that room..."

"Shut up, it was just a few harmless kisses, which, clearly, lead to nothing anyway," Emi rambled, wishing she would stop talking but couldn't seem to get a hold of her runaway mouth.

"Could've led to something if you weren't such a workaholic." Kirsty gave her a look of 'you know I'm right', to which Emi didn't respond. "So, I'm throwing you a party and you're going to dance until your feet fall off, ok?"

"Fine, but nothing big or over the top, please," Emi pleaded, even with her eyes.

"Fine," Kirsty sighed, sagging in Lewis' arms. "We should get going," She said to him, her eyes flickering all across his face, still bright with the thrills of new love. They stood up and pulled on their jackets. "See you tomorrow, ok? Don't stay up too late."

"I won't," Emi grumbled. "See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye, Emi!" Lewis called with a smile as he held the door open for Kirsty, waving with his free hand. Emi forced herself to wave back, wishing he would get going already.


703 words
not the longest chapter, but a filler and an explanation...

A LOVELY NIGHT | WILLNE ✔️Where stories live. Discover now