11, the epilogue

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the epilogue



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They spoke well into the night. Just catching up, never running out of things to say. And he made her laugh just as hard as he had the night they got locked in that storage room, which turned out to be a blessing as much as she hated being trapped.

It was good to talk to him again. Nice to hear he'd been thinking about her too, wondering what could've been if they'd just communicated better and made time for one another.

Perhaps that was what it took. A little time.

A little time to grow from the work focused individuals to people who could make time for social activities and for enjoyment. What was all the work and money good for if the only person it ever helped was the self?

And Emi knew there was something special about Will. She wasn't a believer in fate or things happening for a reason, but she believed in coincidence. So much changes all the time, but that doesn't mean there's a reason for it beyond us and our understanding. Sometimes we don't know all the answers to every question we're asked. Emi decided that was okay. More than okay.

She didn't need to know everything, or know why everything happened, or how to control it.

Sometimes not knowing might be the best thing for us. Whether that be holding the truth to save feelings, a little white lie told to a friend or a sibling, or just letting things happen to us without questioning or trying to alter it to our own mould.

We all have a mould, but that doesn't mean it's the best mould for us. As humans we, by design, seek answers, but they're not always available. Having a mould is dangerous. Moulds allow you to get left behind and before you know it you're watching what could've been from the side-lines with a dirty scowl on your face, bitter.

Emi was done sitting on the side-lines, twiddling her thumbs. It felt good to think it. In fact, she couldn't stop herself smiling wider and wider as she stirred milk into her hot chocolate, holding the phone between her head and her shoulder.

It was late and they were no where near done talking. She felt better for it, without a doubt. Proudness was a settled feeling within her, cradling and justifying her decision and new outlook on life. She'd learnt a lot in the past few months, blossomed, risen, awoken.

"Emi," He said, "you're going to hate my guts but I really have to go. I really need to get to sleep to get up to do work tomorrow."

"That's okay, I don't hate you," Emi replied.

"We could meet for lunch if you want?" He asked, sounding hopeful.

"I'd love that," Emi told him; she swore she heard him exhale in relief.

And they met the next day. Emi was right on time, Will was five minutes late. Five minutes never hurt anyone and she forgot about it quickly as they dove right back into the conversation they'd been having that night.

It was nice to be out with someone new. Someone she didn't know everything about and he seemed just as interested to get to know her.

Emi had to keep telling herself not to think about how terrified she was that this might actually become something.

From the way they were both smiling at one another, onlookers would already think they were something.

"So, what made you move back to London?" Emi asked as she tipped the single sachet of sugar into her coffee and stirred it all together.

"I have a lot going for me here. Friends, contacts," Will said. His eye contact was almost too intense, but Emi didn't want to look away.

"Well," She replied, "I'm glad you're back."

"Me too," He said with a beam, sounding cheerful.

They came to the end of their first date of many, time running out quicker than the either of them would've liked. Emi hadn't looked at the time once since they'd sat down, but it was as if Will read her mind as he asked her if she wanted a second date. Of course, she agreed.

Many dates and two months later, Emi and Will did become that something she was pondering over. And she was more than happy to call him her boyfriend; he was more than happy to call her his girlfriend.

After it all, it only took a lovely night for Emi to believe in the beneficial nature of coincidences, and now she was happier than she'd ever been before.


770 words
this is the epilogue. there will not be a sequel.

A LOVELY NIGHT | WILLNE ✔️Where stories live. Discover now