Blood and water

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Nathan's eyes opened abruptly, stinging when they made contact with the water. He coughed and spluttered as he tried to move - but restraints held him in place. Frantically looking around, Nathan layed eyes on a small figure standing in front of him.

They were smallish, with a fragile frame. And they stood in a sassy pose - one hand on their hips. Nathan knew they were male from the slight muscle exposed from the three quarter length sleeve t-shirt. But what caught his attention was the vibrant green hair and ocean blue eyes. They just mesmerised him, making him melt away slightly.

But he knew it was to soften him - so he fidgeted, trying to loosen the restraints. The figure walked up to Nathan and put a hand to his lips, shushing him. They traced there finger down Nathan's face, down his neck and chest, until he reached his stomach.

"Shhh baby...Anti's here."

Anti?? Nathan's breathing then suddenly hitched as Anti traced the outline of his trouser line, sending a tingling feeling thugh him. Anti noticed and smirked, doing it again. Nathan didn't know what Anti was doing - or wanted but he could feel himself being drawn to Anti's beautiful blue eyes.

Slowly, Anti started to sit himself comfortably on Nathan's lap. Nathan could feel himself getting hard and hoped that Anti wouldn't notice - which he did. Anti started grinding into Nathan, making the youtuber moan quietly. Nathan knew it was wrong, but it felt so good. Soon enough, Nathan had Anti's arms wrapped around his neck - still grinding. Nathan knew that Anti could feel the buldge growing in his pants because Anti leant down and whispered in his ear,

" you want me to help you with that??"

Nathan didn't want to give in, so shook his head forcefully. But Anti knew better than what Nathan was letting off. He started grazing Nathan's neck with his lips, making Nathan shiver beneath him. Anti could feel the buldge getting bigger beneath him. He smirked as he stopped grinding - earning a whimper from Nathan.

God, why did he enjoy this so much?? Nathan just sat there - soaking wet - while Anti got of off him and knelt before him. Nathan hated the teasing and wished that Anti would just hurry up with whatever it was he was going to do. Anti eyed Nathan's crotch and kissed it. Nathan moaned out from the feeling, but he still felt ashamed for enjoying it. Anti made eye contact then bit down lightly on the tent in Nathan's jeans.

"What do you want from me??" Nathan moaned out, thrusting up a bit. Anti stood up and walked behind him, wrapping his arms around Nathan's neck again.

"Just let me go...p..please."

"Right after Natemare has dealt with you babe." With each word, Nathan felt less comfortable and less confident. After Natemare 'dealt' with him?? What did he mean by that??

The door on the other side of the room opened, Natemare walking in. He smirked when he saw Anti's arms around Nathan's neck - but didn't do anything. Slowly and teasingly, Anti let go and walked sassily over to Natemare. When he reached him, Natemare grabbed Anti's waist and kissed him passionately. Nathan blushed and looked away, but Natemare saw and started pushing Anti up against the door - attacking Anti's neck.

Natemare sucked Anti's neck until a big purple mark was left, making Anti moan loudly, " outside a minute."

He obeyed, leaving the room after slapping Natemare's ass. Silently Natemare walked over to a draw in the corner. Inside, he grabbed a gold knuckle cruncher and put it on. When Nathan saw it, he panicked and screamed. Natemare used the cruncher in Nathan's stomach. He fell silent almost immediately. Natemare kept hitting him until he could see the blood seeping through Nathan's t-shirt.

Nathan couldn't see, or make sense, of anything around him. He knew one more hit would kill him - so clenched his eyes and waited for the blow.

It came.

Naremare hit Nathan across the jaw, not killing him but hard enough to knock him out for a few days. He cleaned up the cruncher and put it away, making sure that the draw above was locked. A smirk on his face, he called for Anti,

"Baby!! He's out cold!!"

Anti glided in, impressed by Natemare's results. Together they untied Nathan and lay him on the bed, cleaning up the wounds and blood. From there, the demon couple dragged him into a dark room which only contained a loo, a sink and a rickety bed.

"Babe??" Anti whispered seductively.

"Yes sexy??" Natemare replied, but he knew what Anti wanted. Grabbing Anti's hand, he lead him into Wilford's room - an evil smirk spread on both of there faces. Closing the door, Natemare started pulling off Anti's t-shirt. He was going to make Anti feel so good...but Anti still didn't satisfy the love he truly wanted.

True Blood Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora