34: What a Year?

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Is it too early to say what a year when it's barely started? 2017 has already started on a crazy note

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Is it too early to say what a year when it's barely started? 2017 has already started on a crazy note. All I can say is that I couldn't be happier. I know my emotions on this blog have been a rollercoaster. I'll be back with that real shit once Christmas break is over. I'm chillin'.

I never thought I'd see the day I would be going on a real double date with me, D'Anthony, Sahara and Gideon. For one, I didn't think D'Anthony would give me another chance. Two, I never thought I'd see Sahara giving Gideon another chance with all the bullshit they've had going on. Three, that fake double date didn't go so well, so I just never saw it happening again.

I sit on the stairs of Sahara's apartment building typing away on my phone posting to my blog. When I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I look up from my phone to see D'Anthony and Gideon. I smile then stand up as D'Anthony says, "What you doing out here?"

He kisses me then I say, "Just waiting. I think Sahara is still getting ready." Gideon takes that as his opportunity to keep going up the stairs to her apartment leaving me and D'Anthony in the hallway.

When my phone rings I see it's my mom making me roll my eyes. I haven't spoken to her since Christmas, which was a week ago. I lean against the wooden staircase rail answering saying, "Hello?"

I look at D'Anthony as he just leans against the wall across from me looking at me. "You didn't send the money for your sisters private school tuition. Where is it?" Is the first thing to fly out of her mouth. Not her saying she wants to talk, to apologize or even just asking if I'm okay. Wow.

"I didn't send it and I'm not going to send it," I say holding my phone up with my shoulder as I cross my arms over my chest.

"What? It's due in three days. They go back to school in a week."

"Well, better find a way. I told you I can't support you financially anymore. Get. A. Job! Obviously you won't find a job in a week, so you better take out a loan or something."

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