37: At What Cost

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There's a saying that goes: "Everything comes with a price

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There's a saying that goes: "Everything comes with a price. Everything. Some things just cost more than others." The question of today is "At what cost?" What's the cost your willing to pay for things that you really want? Would you pay your last dime, an arm and a leg, or your life? Does it depend on what it is? What's the different price between your family, friends, relationship, school, your career, material items? Just thoughts..

When the car comes to a stop I look up from my phone seeing we're parked in a neighborhood. I look over at Nubia who's putting her car in park. "We're here," she says as I look around realizing we're at the house for Sahara's party. We got here a little early to make some drinks and put up some decorations. It's one of my friends house and they were nice enough to let us have it here.

I open the door then step out as my heels hit the pavement. I have on a button-up shirt that's tied and cream trousers with gold heels. I shut the door behind me then both Nubia and I go around to the trunk. We grab everything we need then we make our way towards the house. I ring the doorbell then shortly after my friend opens the door. "Hey," he wants to hug me but sees all the stuff in my hands. He grabs some of it letting us in. "The basement is already setup. Gideon already came and setup his DJ equipment. You pretty have all of downstairs and the basement."

I nod my head and thank him as he shows us to the basement. We take our stuff over to the little bar area he has. "I completely forgot Gideon is DJ'ing this. Sahara told you about her and Markel fucking around again?" Nubia asks.

"What? No. When? It's been a matter of a couple of days."

"Exactly. They 'rekindled their spark' the night of her kickback. I honestly can't keep up with Sahara. One minute she's with Markel then it's Gideon then Markel then Gideon. I guess let her do her," Nubia says shrugging. "Do you know if Markel is coming tonight?"

"I don't think so. He said he was coming to the kickback, so he wouldn't come to the party. But now that you're telling me this, who knows. Sahara's liable to invite Markel not giving a damn if Gideon is here. We clearly didn't teach her the rules of the game properly because she'll have two guys she's talking to in the same room all Willy nilly. If she wants to ruin her birthday with drama, that's on her."

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