Act 3

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Me: okay another script for you guys. *hands it to Fell Goth and Melody*

Fell Goth: *reads the script and whispers* I hope her pancakes are edible this time...

Me: *whispers back* Her pancakes are going to be edible this time Goth.

Fell Goth: WHAT THE HELL?!

Me: derp -3-


Me: okay, Palette I need you to call Goth in this scene.

Fell Palette: *calls Fell Goth's number*

Fell Goth: *phone rings and sees that Palette is calling than hangs up*

Me: Goth, don't hang up!

Fell Goth: *shrugs* oops my bad?

Me: -__-

Me: Whatever let's just start...

Extra scenes in Why do I love you (Fell Palette x Fell Goth)Where stories live. Discover now