Act 5

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Melody: So do you have anything for the next chapter yet??

Me: *in the middle of doing homework*

Melody: geez you never get time to think about the next chapter do you??

Me: *looks at Melody* I don't really have time to think about the next chapter that the fact that I have to babysit my baby sister and I have to deal with some things at school.


Me: And I'm also brain dead since I'm too focused on my grades at school, trying to keep them as "A's" instead of "C's".

Melody: you know that "C's" are okay right??

Me: well not for my family, they think it stands for failing instead or not good enough. So I better keep my grades up. *goes back on doing homework*

Melody: your always pushing yourself to much. How about you take a break??

Me: I can't, I must review this lesson in math. And I start testing tomorrow until Thursday or Friday. I also have to deal with a friend of mine that happens to have a friendship problem or something.


Me: So I can't waste time now.

Melody: *sigh* Okay then I'll be going then. Bye.

Me: *too distracted by homework*

Melody: 'She's working too hard for her school grades...she needs time for herself...'

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