Act 4

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Me: Alright now Fell Palette I need you to call Fell Goth again.

Fell Palette: *calls Fell Goth*

Fell Goth: *hangs up again*

Me: god dammit, Goth! Answer the phone!

Fell Goth: I accidentally clicked hang up, oops?

Me: Okay back to what we were doing!


Me: Okay Melody, I need you to cry and yell at Fell Goth.

Melody: But I don't think I can do it.

Me: okay than um think of something that would make you mad and sad than.

Melody: I can't think of anything.

Me: okay for example, your cooking sucks.

Melody: *gets mad and sad at me*

Me: welp got to run bye! *runs away as Melody tries to kill me and Fell Goth and Fell Palette watches*

Fell Palette: That's entertaining to see.

Fell Goth: Agreed

Me: Guys, help me!

Fell Goth and Fell Palette: nope.

Me: you betray me!!

Extra scenes in Why do I love you (Fell Palette x Fell Goth)Where stories live. Discover now