The Beginning

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My phones alarm was blaring it read out 6:30 am. I rolled out of bed grunting and headed to my bathroom. I turned on the shower waiting for it to heat up I brushed my hair and teeth.

The warm water was embracing my body I closed my eyes to feel it creep down my face, sliding over light completion to my hazel and green mixed eyes and my rather full lips. Turning around the water washed over my long chocolate brown hair down to my rather full figure.

Thinking about starting at a brand new school for my senior year made me cringe. I was rather awkward and was obsessed with the Harry Potter series. Quickly shaking my head to clear my thoughts I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a warm fluffy towel.

Making my way over to the closet to pick my first day outfit. Even though I was a social outcast I still liked to take pride in my appearance. I chose a pair of black ripped jeans and a body suit made out of an old band tee. I headed back to my bathroom to do my hair wand makeup. 

I straightened my hair and put half of my hair into a bun on the top of my head and the bottom part just to my back. I wasn't really into wearing a ton of makeup so I just put on light mascara and lipgloss.

Heading down my stairs to the foyer I grabbed my black combat boots, bag, and an apple and left. I went to my car which was a black Jeep Wrangler, plugged my phone into the aux cord and blasted my lit playlist trying to hype my self up. 

Pulling into my assigned parking spot I got out of my car and took a deep breath heading in. 

Making my way to my first period which was English, my favorite class, and I got many dirty looks, I was used to it. Written on the board was 'welcome seniors'. Eyeing the room I sat at the most inconspicuous spot and sat. The bell rung and a storm of people cam into the class. Every seat was filled by the time the second bell rang. 

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I whipped around to see who it was. I was met by this dirty blonde girl with amazing brown eyes and quite a small stature. " I see by your necklace you're a slytherine. I'm a Ravenclaw and my name is Freyja. And you are?" " Persephone, Persephone Sajwer. I'm new just moved here from D.C." " Oh wow. That's far. But anyway why don't you come and sit with me at lunch and you can tell me what brings you all the way to Portland." She smiled as she spoke.

"Deal." I grinned back and began to look forward. The teacher spoke almost to fast for me to comprehend anything he was saying, I just wrote it all down, my hand was moving frantically. 

The bell rang and a sudden sigh escaped my mouth. 

" I'll find you in the cafeteria, Persephone." Said a soft spoken Freyja. 

I winked in response and made it to my next class. We watched a movie about a girl getting herpes and then it was lunch . 

I went to my locker and leaning against it was some blonde bombshell. Wearing a tight mini dress that made her look amazing, complimented with knee high black channel boots. 

" Sorry to bother you but thats my locker" I said apprehensively.

" Oh I know. I was here to invite you to come and sit with me and my friends today at lunch. You're the new girl, shrouded in mystery." She said laughingly. 

" Sorry I can't I already have plans with Freyja." 

" She can come and sit with us. Its no problem and I am Phoebe by the way." 

" I'm Persephone and Ill go grab her." 

I found Freyja and told her the news and she followed me to their table. 

I sat down with Phoebe on my right and Freyja on my left. I pulled my bag on my lap and pulled my lunch out. 

" Everyone this is Persephone and Freyja." She said pointing to us.

I smiled while holding my lips together to make sure no food made its way out. 

Everyone eyed us and we waited for a response. Everyone nodded as if that was there way of accepting us. We sat quietly making small talk and then all of a sudden I felt something sticky cold and wet make its way down my back. I whipped my neck up to see Phoebe standing above me with a milkshake pouring down my body suit. 

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