4. We Meet Again

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I blink at the piercing rays of morning sunlight that leak through my battered window blinds. 

Just kidding. It's the lamp I forgot to switch off last night. I groan, rolling over and kicking off my sheets. I lay, looking up at still ceiling fan, too exhausted to get up.

"Ahhhh..." I sigh loudly. "I just woke up and I'm already tired."

 I hear the clattering of dishes and jostling downstairs. I exhale, and roll-roll-roll until I fall off the bed with a heavy thunk. I peel myself off the floor and get dressed in a blue Tee and kaki shorts.

I jump down the stairs, almost tripping and rolling down. "Be careful, Noel." Mum calls from the kitchen. I hurry over to help prepare breakfast.

I scrub the dishes. "Ma, we need a new sponge." I say, noting all the holes. I hold it up for her to see.

"Add it to the shopping list." She sighs, scrambling a couple of eggs in a frying pan. I grab an expo marker off of the worn-down wicker dresser by the kitchen door way, scribbling down sponges under Target, along with a few other needed supplies.

I look at the time. Good, it's 5:30am, I think as I scrub, scrub, scrub. This is our daily routine. Mom wakes up at 5:00am to grab breakfast and gather her things for work. I rise at 5:30am to prepare breakfast for my siblings as Mom gets herself out the door. I also take care of a few chores while I'm at it.

I finish up the dishes and take the frying pan from Mom. "Careful, it's hot." She warns as she sits down to quickly consume her breakfast.

"Yeah, and don't choke." I smirk as she inhales her food. "It's a bit difficult performing the Heimlich Maneuver on yourself."

"Haha." Mom finishes up her eggs while I scramble some more and busses her dishes. "You'd better add something to those eggs or the kids won't eat them." 

"Will do."

"Got to boogie." Mom leans down and kisses my head. "Love you."

"Oh, I know." I jest. "And I say that with utmost modesty."

Mom rolls her eyes, but smiles. "Oh, quit it." I hear the jingle of keys as the door creaks open and slams to a close.

I finish making breakfast and wake everyone up, then rush out into the living room to consolidate their scattered books and bags as the little ones get dressed. 

"Noe!" My nine year old sister peeks out from the bathroom, her brown hair messy with multiple pony tails sticking out. "Help me with my hair!"

"Tch, you know I'm not good at this stuff." I say, shuffling over hastily. I untangle Cami's hair and brush it out as John-John oozes down the hallway, his moppy brown hair hanging over his eyes, mumbling sleepily.

"Eh, is this okay?" I draw my hands back, showing her the most common, simple, and low pony tail. She studies it. "You suck at this." She quips as she hops off her stool. My jaw drops. "How rude!"

Cami just giggles.

I tsk and return to the kitchen. John-John and Lucas have already sat down at the table. "Hey, are those two brats still not up yet?" I ask them, searching around. John-John shakes his head sleepily, rubbing those large chocolate eyes of his. I spin and march upstairs.

"Micah! Ethan!" I kick their door open. "Wake up, brats!" I tear their Star Wars sheets off, and Micah protests. Ethan groans and sits up, scratching his blonde hair. "You're going to be late for school!" I shout, tossing them out of their room and making their beds to save time.

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