7. Change of Mind, Part Two

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I mull over the discussion I had with Jordan for the rest of the day, confused as to why she seemed so concerned and wondering what she thinks I could possibly be afraid of to not participate in a simple musical.

6th period is finally dismissed to go home. I stuff my books into my bag and travel across campus to the library, remembering that I don't have work today. I decide to take advantage of this freedom by studying.

I spread out my papers across one of the tables and begin, diligently working through the pile of homework I have set aside. When I finally look up at the clock, it's been two hours. I lean back and stretch, content with my work progress and tuck my papers into my bag. I wave goodbye to the librarian, who gives me a small smile, probably relieved that I'm leaving, finally.

I push open the library doors and step outside. A cool breeze rushes through the campus, toppling leaves off of their branches. I breathe in the refreshing Fall air.


I turn around to see Usi sitting at a blue bench, buried in his green jacket. A grey muffler is wrapped around his mouth and nose, revealing only a pair of sleepy green eyes and wild yellow hair.

"Why are you still here?" I ask, checking my watch. It's a little past five o'clock. He pulls down his muffler and cups his hands over his mouth, blowing on them.

"I was watching Cross Country practice." He answers.

"......You have a lot of time on your hands."

My pocket buzzes as my cell vibrates. I pull out my flip phone to check the caller I.D.

Usi whistles softly. "It seems Dinosaurs still roam the earth."

I make a face. "You got something against my cell? Yeah, that's right, it's a flip phone." I defend, shaking my cell at him. "And, mind you, it's far more durable than your fancy-shmancy iPhone 9 or whatever. I've dropped this bugger down a flight of stairs, and it cracked the kitchen tiling."

"Well it's no use if you're not going to answer it." He looks at my still-buzzing phone.

"Oh. Right."

I flick it open and lift  it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Noel!" A voice chirps over the phone. "This is Jen."

"Oh!" I straighten, pressing the phone against my ear. Usi stands and shuffles toward me.

"I have a question for you..." Jen begins. "Are you possibly free this evening? Jose has called in sick today and won't be available for the eight o'clock shift. Do you think you could come in?" I open my mouth to answer, but she adds, "If not, I understand, I know you have a busy schedule. Destiny can take it, if you're not free. I just wanted to see if you were willing."

"Actually, I don't have work on Fridays, so I'm free." Usi leans over my shoulder, tilting his ear toward my cell in an attempt to listen in. I shove his head away. "It's from eight to ten, right?"

"Great!" Jen sings. "Then I'll see you at eight?"

"Yes, thank you."

Usi's hair tickles my cheek. He leans away as I shut my phone and turn to swat him, missing. "Who was it?" He asks, curiously.

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