~Coolwhip and Waffles~

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{This takes place on earth, when/if they go back, just some domestic Klance (ps yes I do curse but not often while writing, fair warning...)}

Sunlight seeped through the windows as the smallish boy in a blue and white shirt and black boxers buried his face into his pillow more. The soft blue and red curtains caused a gentle purple fade to outline the room except for the bed itself, which was drenched in light pure sun rays. He yawned sleepily and his leg wrapped around the white pillow he was cuddled against it, his pale skin contrasting the pure white nicely. His eyes slowly blinked open and he smiled warmly as the soft sunlight washed over his light skin and added to the warmth of the fluffy blanket what was tangled up with his legs. He groaned softly and stretched, his skin brushing the sheets as he turned over and pushed himself up on his elbows, his raven black hair sticking out in every which way. One hand supported his sleep-heavy head as the other slipped to the nightstand and grabbed his phone. He stifled another yawn as he turned the phone on. He was surprised to see he had gotten a text, his blurry purple eyes struggling to focus on the words as he squinted.

Lance💙: babe, get up and come to the kitchen, I got ya a surprise😏😘

Even in his sleepy state Keith felt his cheeks warm up slightly but he texted back with clumsy thumbs,

Keefy boi❤️:no, you come in HERE. The beds warm, no way in hell i'm getting up
Lance💙: baaaabe, pls?? I promise you won't regret it bote~
Keefy boi❤️: ...
Keefy boi❤️: your so lucky I love you asshole....
Lance💙: 😚

Keith huffed but smiled softly to himself, pushing himself up and leaving his phone on the pillow as he stretched luxuriously. "He owes me a warm morning god damnit..." He grumbled to himself and rolled out of bed, his feet brushing the floor as he slowly got up and twisted his torso around, cracking his back and sighing at the relief it brought him. He shuffled from the room, pushing open the creaky wooden door into the light of the hallway. He grumbled slightly and rubbed his eyes as he walked, his feet making a soft 'whoosh'-ing sound against the wooden floors. "Mañana mi gatito soñoliento." {good morning my sleepy kitty} Lance chuckled at the sight of his sleep-tousled boyfriend as the raven haired boy sat down at the marble-top bar and laid his head on his arms, grumbling, "I still can't speak Spanish dummy..." Lance rolled his eyes and chuckled, moving around to kiss the back of the smaller boy's neck, making him shiver. "Moody emo." He chuckled and went back to making breakfast. Keith mumbled and asked annoyedly, "So what's this big surprise that's supposed to be worth leaving my warm bed?" Lance chuckled and raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Our warm bed you mean, and trust me it'll be worth it..." he chuckled and suddenly looked a little nervous. Keith tilted his head and raised an eyebrow just like his boyfriend had done. "O....k....?"
He sat back in the stool he was sitting on and rested his head on his arms, watching Lance's back muscles move as he cooked a blushing slightly. After a few moments of comfortable silence Lance turned with a broad but utterly terrified smiled as he set set down a white plate with six perfectly golden brown waffles and a graceful abundant dollop of cool whip. Keith tilted his head a little and looked up at the taller man. "But...you make these for me everyday..? Whys today different..?" He asked confusedly and sighed as he grabbed his fork. Lance grinned a little and rubbed the back of his neck, saying simply, "Eat up." Keith was somewhat a creature of habit and Lance knew it so as always he delved his fork into the soft puffy whipped cream and stuffed it in his mouth with a slight hum. He started to chew at the bite even through it was so soft there was nothing to chew, which is why he bit down fairly hard. To his shock and pain he bit down on something solid and metal. "Lance what the fuck-?!" Keith spluttered as he snatched the hard thing from his mouth and rubbed his jaw as he winced. "The hell is wrong with you Lance I could've choked on this, wait.....what the hell even is it..." Lance had stayed a little too quiet and he smiled worriedly as Keith frowned in confused and sucked the cool whip off the ring....ring...? Ring-? Ring ring, RING! Keith felt his eyes go wide and his face flushed as he stared, slack jawed, at the beautiful but elegantly simple ring in his hand. Lance laughed a little worriedly as he watched his reaction with analyzing ocean eyes. He plucked the ring from Keith's fingers and walked around the counter with a nervous smile. He faced the smaller boy and took both his hands in his own. "Keith Kogane, I know I'm not the best, or even the closest to the best person that you truly deserve," Lance hushed Keith as he started to protest. "So..." he bent down on one knee and held out the ring with a terrified smile. "W-Will you marry me..?" Keith's violet eyes widened until they where as big as the waffles on his plate. To Lances shock and worry Keith's eyes started to gloss over with tears as they gathered at the red paladins eyes and slipped down his cheeks as he started to cry. Lance had almost never seen him cry, so he immediately stood to comfort him. Bad idea. As soon as he was standing Keith had launched himself from his chair and tackled him to the ground, straddling his hips and looking down at him with a quiet growl as crystal clear tears slipped down his cheeks and landed on Lances chest, the spots showing in the white shirt he wore. Lance yelped and sat back in the floor dazedly, looking up at his smaller boyfriend with a little smile, "Well don't cry about it....if you don't wanna marry me so bad just say soOOO-!" Lance was cut off by Keith's lips crashing into his own, shutting him up with a bruising kiss and a quiet whimper as he held the taller boy's face gently, making Lances arms instinctively wrap around Keith's waist. After a few moments they both pulled back, both panting softly and looking at each other quietly. "I would love love love to marry you Lance McClain..." the raven-haired boy whispered quietly, sniffling a little. Lances eyes widened and a big cocky smirk took hold of his face. "Oh ho ho~! My charm can even win over the stone Keith Kogane!" He exclaimed and boasted with a big grin. Keith blushed even more and grumbled,  punching Lance in the shoulder and making him wince and grab it, whining, "Keith McClain what was that for?!" The name made the smaller paladin blush even more and he muttered under his breath, "I love you to dumb dorky idiot...." Lance caught it and smirked, "I love you too my beautiful stubborn asshole~" he replied which earned him another punch. He laughed warmly which made Keith reluctantly laughed softly as well. The blue paladin grinned and wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him into a warm hug and an eager kiss, which Keith obviously returned immediately. After all, they where just a couple of Sharpshooters and Samurais in love.

{I know it's not very late rn but I'm so tired T^T 😴 night night, and thank you so much for reading😁💕}

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