~Hips don't lie~

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{Lancey Lance's P.O.V.}
I hummed as I stepped out of the shower, glowing and loving the warm water that dripped from my nose. I wrapped a fluffy white towel around my waist and hummed to myself with a grin, looking in the mirror and shooting finger guns at my reflection with a wink. I laughed slightly and quickly washed my face, enjoying the cool water on my shower-warm skin.
Once I was done I grabbed the pile of pjs sitting on the toilet and made sure to dry my hair thoroughly before slipping on the clothes. I yawned and stretched, blowing a quick kiss at my reflection before shutting of the soft blue glow of a light and scratching my head as I walked to the kitchen.
Late night snacks would be perfect right about now, I had skipped dinner to avoid Keith's weird attitude today. I shrugged to myself as I thought about it, "Probably just one of his weird funks again." I muttered to myself and snuck into the kitchen with a grin.

{Time skip brought to you by Coran Coran the gorgeous man's mustachio}

I sighed and quietly placed my dish in the sink. Food goo was no garlic knot but it was ok in a pinch really. I hummed softly and wiped my hands on my loose tank-top and started back off to my room. At least I WAS going to go to my room when something a few inches shorter than me and red ran smack into my chest with a "Ouff-! What the-?!" All I could see was black, fluffy, soft, cute......mullet. Great.
I scoffed slightly and grabbed Keith's shoulders, pushing him back enough to see his face. As soon as he realized that he had run into me and not a wall his cheeks flushed slightly, to my surprise. "Keith? Buddy? You feelin' ok..?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, tilting my head. He looked down and fiddled with his night shirt, "Why wouldn't I be?"
He grumbled, looking anywhere but at my face. My eyebrow raised more, "Because you look like someone has a gun to your head Mullet." He grumbled under his breath and glared slightly up at me. I huffed, tired of his attitude honestly. "Why do you act like this? And only around me? What makes me so bad?" I asked and folded my arms with a frown. He looked back down at his shirt quickly and muttered something under his breath.
"What was that mullet?" I asked, probably too loudly but who cares. He clenched his fists and screwed his eyes shut, saying loudly, "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!" I felt my body freeze and my eyes slowly widen. "Wait....hold up now, my ears must be full of space goo, one more time?" I said, my arms falling to my side as I leaned down slightly.
His face flushed more and he mumbled quietly, "I l-like you." I felt my heart skip a few beats and my lips curled into a sly smirk. He didn't see it however as he eyes where glued nervously to the floor. "That w-weird, isn't it...? I'm just a spazzed out kid with random crushes, aren't I...?" He whimpered quietly, shaking. "I'm an idiot, aren't I?"
I scoffed slightly, a little insulted, but I was smiling gently, my heart soaring. "Do Shakira's hips lie?" I said in reply to his questions, which meant 'no' obviously. I heard him do something I never EVER expected. He let a small soft laugh slip through his lips.
My eyes widened and a small grin lit my face. "You know Shakira...?" Keith's slightly pink cheeks flushed even more and he folded his arms, biting the inside of his cheek and looking to the side, grumbling something under his breath. I smirked and took a few steps closer, my bare feet brushing against the cold metal as I closed the space in between us. "What was that Keithy boy?" I asked with a smug grin. Keith blushed even more, looking at the me with a gorgeous but defiant look. "Well you sing it in the shower so much I don't have a choice!" He growled, his cheeks, neck, shoulders, and even ear tips where as red as his lion.
I chuckled and smirked, holding out my hands for Keith's. He looked at my outstretched hands for a moment, blushing and huffing annoyedly. "What?" He snapped, obviously having no clue what I wanted. I grinned and said simply, "Your hands, kitty."
Keith blushed even more and growled, "Don't call me that!" I couldn't help but laugh and I raised an eyebrow as I waited for his response. He huffed and bit his lip, looking to the side and slowly unfolding his arms, pressing his palms to mine. It sent an odd little prickle up my spine...but I liked it.
I think. I shifted our hands and curled my fingers so ours where pressed together and intertwined. "Your hands are sweaty." I commented
nonchalantly, giving his hands a small squeeze. Keith's face flushed brightly and he all but yelled, "Don't ruin it retard!" I laughed and pulled him closer, keeping one hand with his and slipping the other down to the his hip with a hum and a smirk.
Keith gulped and blushed even more brightly, if that was possible. "L-Lance..." he whispered, blushing. I smirked slightly, expecting some kind of cute or sexy thing from the red paladin. Instead he shoved my face away, rather roughy, while blushing wildly and yelping, "Get the fuck off me! What the hell?!" I grumbled dejectedly, annoyed and rubbing my face. "You can't just confess to someone and not expect them to act upon said confession mullet." I huffed. Keith was blushing furiously but at my words he let out a small shaky sigh and hugged himself tightly and nervously. "I...I-I'm sorry, I just don't know what to d-do...what if I mess up? Or do something weird or gross? O-or-" he was working himself up, I could seek it in his eyes. I felt horrible and quickly wrapped my arms around the Keith's shoulders, nuzzling my face into the boy's soft raven hair. God his hair was so soft, and shiny, and midnight black, and- quiznak I was getting distracted. "It's alright Keith, I like you too. Nothing you do could change that, ok?" Keith nearly melted into the my arms as he nodded slightly, trying to hide his sniffling and wrapping his arms around my waist. I could feel the heat from his face against my chest, making me chuckle lightly but my face was just as red. "Th-thanks I guess..." He mumbled and I grinned slightly and pulled back, taking his hand in mine again and placing my other hand once more on his hip. This time Keith was relaxed and even had a little adorkable smile, but I could tell he was still nervous and uncomfortable. I chucked softly and grinned, pulling out my phone. It was already connected to the speaker from my shower so I just typed in a few words to the search bar and pressed play while Keith watched me confusedly. Suddenly Shakira's 'Hips don't lie' was echoing around us and I started to sing, "Señorita, what's your number~? Let me see you move like you come from Columbia~" Keith laughed slightly, shaking his head, "Seriously Lance...?" I couldn't help but grin brightly, in response, repeating the words again. "Señorita, what's your number~? Let me see you move like you come from Columbia~" Keith was covering his mouth and laughing quietly. This boosted my confidence like hell, which was probably a good and bad thing. "Never really knew that she could dance like that! She make a man wanna speak Spanish! Como se llama~! Bonita~!
Mi casa, su casa!" I sang happily and without a care, spinning Keith by his hand and smiling brightly and goofily.
Then something hit me like a tidal wave. Keith Kogane was singing. "Oh baby when you talk like that~ You make a woman go mad! So be wise, and keep on, Reading the signs of my body~!" I seriously thought I was going to explode. He was SINGING. And it was GORGEOUS. How could he have hidden this voice of his for so long?! I got lost in my thoughts but was quickly snapped back when I saw the absolutely perfect sight in front of me. I hadn't realized this before but as he kept singing and smiling I couldn't stop realizing it. His hips where moving. Those God damn hips that could bring a full grown man to his knees where M.O.V.I.N.G. "And I'm on tonight~! You know my hips don't lie, and I'm starting to feel it's right! All the attraction~, the tension~! Don't you see baby, this is perfection~" I thought I was going to die. Oh my god, he was laughing, smiling, singing, and dancing. His hips hit every single beat, rocking and swaying with the music. I was frozen for a moment before I shook my head and smirked, grabbing his hips gently and singing over his shoulder, "Hey Girl, I can see your body moving, and it's driving me crazy~ And I didn't have the slightest idea, until I saw you dancing." His cheeks flushed brightly and instantly, he bit his lip a little and pressed back against me slightly to my shock and enjoyment. "And when you walk up on the dance floor, nobody cannot ignore, the way you move your body, girl~
And everything so unexpected, the way you right and left it,
So you can keep on shaking it~!" Keith moved his hips to every note, smiling slightly and laughing. He had no clue what those little moves of his where doing to me. I barely knew myself. "And I'm on tonight~! You know my hips don't lie and I am starting to feel you boy.
Come on lets go, real slow
Don't you see baby asi es perfecto~" He turned around in my grasp and looked up at me, his eyes burning with something that made me shudder. We kept singing until the last chorus came up, by then we where both panting and sweating slightly. We had broken into a full out dance, Keith's hips swaying like no tomorrow and my hands on them for the ride. At the last beat I twirled him and dipped him, both of us panting slightly and looking at each other. Keith parted his lips, which where pink and swollen from him biting them seductively the whole time, to sing the last part. "Oh, you know I am on tonight, my hips don't lie and I am starting to feel it's right~ The attraction, the tension~ Baby, like this is perfection...." he looked up at me as he sang and I could feel my chest pounding at the look in his eyes. God I wanted to kiss him so badly. We both slowly stood up straight and looked at each other, our eyes wide. Keith's hands suddenly cupped my cheeks as he lunged foreword and pressed his lips to mine. Well, I wouldn't say pressed...more like slammed. But as he slowly started to actually move his lips over mine I felt like I'd died and gone to some kind of heaven. My eyes widened immediately and a made a small muffled sound. God, his lips where perfect. Soft, supple, delicious. His eyes where screwed shut and his arms slowly wrapped around my neck, he made a quiet sound as I started to kiss back. I placed my hands on his hips and closed my eyes slowly, kissing his lips gently and carefully but with a slight edge of desperation. He whimpered softly and parted those gorgeous lips again, but this time for a much different reason. I took his invitation immediately and slipped my tongue into his mouth, making both of us groan quietly. God damn, he kissed like he fought. Ruthless and rough but with an edge of gentleness and caution. We fought for dominance, but as I picked him up and stumbled forward to press him back gently against the wall he moaned quietly and gave in. His legs wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling me closer. The great Keith Kogane, shuddering under me and giving in like it was nothing. We broke our lips apart for a moment to breath, both of us panting and staring at the other like we couldn't believe what had just happened. "D-did we just.." he stuttered, his cheeks flushed. "Erm...yes..and I beat you." I mumbled, chuckling softly and smirking victoriously. I placed one hand on the wall next to his head while I tangled the other through his hair to balance him better. He leaned into my touch instantly, breathing deeply as he caught his breath and nodded a little with his eyes lightly closed, but soon they opened with a flame in them. "Rematch." He demanded with a slight smirk back. I blinked a few times and felt my cheeks warm up a bit more, smiling a little as I slid my hands from his hair, cupping his cheek and rubbing my thumb over the soft skin. "Your on." He grinned, letting my eyes trace over his face slowly. He blushed even more and grumbled, "Stop staring dumbass..." I chuckled and nodded, leaning foreword and pressing my lips to his instead. "Yessir." I said against his lips, just to make him squirm a little. His cheeks flushed even more and I chuckled as I kissed him slowly and softly, which he changed quickly. Just as I started to kiss back passionately I heard someone choke and spit out whatever they where drinking as a mug his the ground and splintered into pieces. I winced and groaned, my fist clenching against the wall. "Damnit." I heard Keith breath, his lips still against mine. I pulled away and glanced to the side to see Pidge, all decked out in her pjs with wide eyes, a nosebleed, and her camera flashing like there was no tomorrow. I felt my cheeks flame and I didn't even need to look at Keith to know he was covering his flushed face with his hands. Pidge giggled and sprinted away, not even picking up her broken mug as she ran down the hallway screeching, "HUNK! IT HAPPENED! PAY UP, THATS TWENTY SPACE COOKIES!" They heard Hunk groan and shout back, "Pics..?" Pidge giggled and yelled in response, "TONS OF EM!" I huffed and leaned my forehead against Keith's shoulder, "Continue this in my room or yours?" I suggested, smirking slightly. He let out a muffled yelp and wacked the back of my head, growling. I laughed and winced, rubbing my head, "Right, sorry kitty." He blushed even harder and hid his face in the crook of my neck. "I hate you." He mumbled, making me grin. "Love you too. And your stupid mullet..." he huffed and after a few moment of silence said, "When Shiro finds out we're both goners." "Yup." I agreed with a chuckle and walked back over to the couch, sitting down with him in my lap. "Hay Lance...?" He mumbled. I smiled slightly, "Yeah?" "I love you too..." I don't think I've ever enjoyed Shakira's song more.

{Ayyyy pls help. Lol, it's like 2 a.m. Anywho. Hope you enjoyed!!!! Ps, yes I love requests!!!}

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