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{lol call me a creep (I'm a creeep, I'm a weirdoooooo~) but I had a dream about this so BUCKLE UP KIDDIES AND ENJOY THE RIDE}


{keefys p.o.v}
"Come on Keith! Buddy?! My man?" Lance was whining, again. Shocker. I grumbled and grabbed a pillow from the bed, pressing it to my ears so his words where muffled but I could still hear the whiney tone in his voice. "No, Lance!" I grumbled and huffed into the phone, one hand holding it my ear while the other scribbled down notes into a binder. "I have too much homework to do, plus Shiro would murder me if I snuck out again." I grumbled as I write. Lance groaned in annoyance over the phone "Come on, Keith babe I can't smooch you at school like I can on dates and I miss those pretty lips!" I felt heat creep up my neck as I blushed furiously "That's disgusting," I muttered back but found myself biting my lower lip slowly. "Whatever, your totally into my sweet talk," he chuckled warmly, "Please Keith?? Pretty please? I'll take you out for milkshakes and a burger?" My mouth watered at the offer and I slammed the binder Shut with a growl. "Your a pain in the ass and a cheat McClain." I heard him snicker "So that's a yes~?" I rolled my eyes and mumbled "Yes," "WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" He cheered loudly and I heard him call downstairs "MAMA! I'm gonna go meet Keith for an hour or too, don't wait up for dinner!" I rolled my eyes slightly but couldn't resist a smile. "Be ready by 6:25 cutie cuz I'm comin' to get you," he made a kiss sound which, as always and as he knew, made the tips of my ears flush red. I grumbled softly and mumbled "Whatever dickwad," he chuckled "Love you too babe," and hung up. I set my phone down and gnawed the inside of my cheek. "Casual right..?" I mumbled and stood, glancing around my room with Metallica and Five Fingered Death Punch posters taped to the wall with peeling paint. I walked to the closest, opening it with a light huff but slowly smiled. Lance may be a shameless flirt but I had my ways of getting back at him...

Lances P.O.V.
'Finally! We haven't gone on a date in weeks!' I thought with a grin as he pulled on an all white t-shirt and my usual jacket with a chuckle.  I slid down the stairs and winked at Mama, kissing her cheek as she giggled and kissed mine back. "Be good Lance," "As always mama!" I called back and opened the front door, tossing up the keys and grabbing them with an excited grin as I got in the car, starting it with a happy hum. My fingers closed over the wheel as I hummed and glanced back, going in reverse until I reached the driveway then taking off with a smirk tugging at my lips. Don't get me wrong, seeing Keith everyday at school was a total sweet deal but not being able to kiss him, hold him close, whisper things that made his back arch, that I wasn't allowed to do at school. I drove faster, grinning at absolutely nothing as I pulled into Keith's driveway. I chuckled and slipped out, sneaking around back and leaning down to scoop up a pebble and bounce it in my hand with a grin. Winding my arm back I aimed at Keith's window, sticking out my tongue in concentration before hurling it at the clear glass. I grinned and slipped my hands into my pockets, looking up with a warm grin and waiting not-so-patiently. Soon enough the window slid open and Keith popped his head out with a huff "You could just text me you know," he carefully slipped out of the window and made his way down, jumping from the roof and landing carefully in the grass. I chuckled "The stones are more romantic~" I scooped him up immediately, nuzzling the crook of his neck with a happy sigh. He tensed for a millisecond before his arms wrapped around me as well and squeezed, making me chuckle. "I think you miss me as much as I miss you~" he blushed and puffed "Maybe...a little.." he mumbled. I snickered, grinning warmly but pausing slowly as I looked down at him. "I-Is that my jacket..?" I set him down and backed up so I could get a good look at him. He was wearing black yoga pants (as per usual) and my jacket, which I must've left at his house the last time I was there. I felt my cheeks heat up a little as I grinned, he looked fucking adorable. The little blush dusted across his cheeks with the black choker he always wore, and my jacket with a black shirt underneath. I grinned and felt my shoulders slump, eyes glazing over as I chuckled and reached out, hands wrapping around his hips and pulling him close. His breath hitched a little and I heard him gulp, "You look good mullet," I hummed against his ear. He grumbled softly "Sh-Shut up, idiot.." he mumbled and pushed me away by putting his hands on my chest and shoving. I snickered softly and took his hand in mine, kissing the back of it gently with a grin. He blushed more and looked away with a "Tch." But I caught the small bite of his lip. "You promised me a burger and a milkshake," he said and folded his arms over his chest with what he thought was a menacing expression but really it just looked fricken adorable. I grinned "Indeed I did babe, so let's go!" I smiled and took his hand, running around to my car and opening the door for him with an over exaggerated bow and a grin, making him snort slightly as he climbed into the car. I grinned and ran around, plopping into the drivers seat and closing the door before turning the key and taking off. Keith yawned slightly as he buckled up, "The diner right?" He asked curiously and I chuckled "Of course babe, only the best." I grinned as he blushed and grumbled, slumping into his seat more. Soon enough we pulled up to the little diner and got out, Keith's eyes sparkling and mouth watering. I chuckled and slipped my hand around his as we walked in, giving my classic HD smile I asked "Two burgers please, one with just ketchup and pickles and one with cheese," the short girl grumbled as she typed in the order "Fuck you lance, you come here like every day, I know your orders," Pidge puffed, telling over her shoulder "HUNK! ITS THE GAY LOVE BIRDS AGAIN!" Pidge had taken a job over the summer so they could save up and buy video games, Typical Pidge. Hunk had taken a job because the guy before him 'had awful taste in gourmet hamburgers' (quote Hunk). I chuckled and shrugged, grinning and waving back at Hunk who grinned at us from the kitchen. Pidge puffed but smirked mischievously up at us "You two fuck recently?" She snickered as Keith choked and I grinned innocently "Nope~" She puffed and sighed "Shame," she leaned against her hand boredly. I chuckled and ruffled her hair playfully while hunk set the burgers on the counter "Six twenty," Pidge hummed and held out her hand while I fished though my pocket and slapped a ten into her hand with a wink "Well be getting milkshakes afterwards," I chuckled as Keith grumbled and blushed. Pidge rolled her eyes but smiled and put the money up, hunk grinned and have us the food. As usual the diner was pretty much empty, so Keith chose the table we usually sat at. I hummed as we both unwrapped our burger and couldn't help but snicker as Keith let out a moan of bliss when he bit into his. I ate mine with a hum and grinned over it at him as he ate like a starved wolf then licked his lips with a hum. "Good~?" I teased lightly and he flicked me off but nodded with a hum. God I loved him,

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