✿sɪᴅᴏɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ- ɪ'ʟʟ sᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ✿

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Lmao it's been 295818748 years since I've updated this book. I'm the worst //sobs for the next 385838 days//

Requested by... I kinda forgot? Oh shoot. Cause it's been so damn long since I updated this book FML. 


"Hey, (Y/n)? Where are you!?" link yelled while attacking the lizalfos that are in his way, not caring if he gets hurt.

'damn it.. ' He cursed and moved his wet bangs out of his face

"where did she... Go.?" link frowned and sat in a near rock. Killing all lizalfos with a bow waiting for daylight.

Your p.o.v

-Stupid lizalfos attacking me! Now I dont know where link is! We were just sleeping peacefully at a near cave and the lizalfo hit him with a Shock arrow! Now I'm lost...

I followed at the blue crystal-like lamps as they were getting plenty so I thought that I'm almost at the Zora domain, it's amazing how there's no lizalfos following or attacking me. Since it was so dark, I cant really see a thing. I'm touching the wall for support since it was so dark. Last thing I knew that the sun was already rising.

"ALRIGHT! LINK!!!" I yelled and ran looking for him but me being a stupid little goof I didn't know that there was a cliff and I fell! The worst part is that there was a bridge next to it and I didn't even see it! I'm such a Dumbo hotdog! I think fast and grabbed the edge of the cliff before I fall to my death in the river or sea or something. But I can't swim so I don't wanna drown. I saw a fish lady ran to me and reached out for her hand.

"are you ok? Wait, you're a hylian! The Prince is in need of a hylian but.. Now's not the time! Here, grab my hand!" The pink fish lady said as I nodded. I grabbed her hand and the next thing that happened is that it slipped since her hand was so slippery! I screamed hoping that it isn't the end of me and closed my eyes for the impact.

"SOMEONE, HELP! A HYLIAN FELL!!" Was the last words I heard before I drowned.


"is she waking up?"

"I don't think so, she's been asleep for 2 days... "

"You gotta do everything to save her! I can't lose her, everyone will kill me including impa!" A certain hylian voice growled.

You woke up coughing as the hylian and a Fish person looked at you.

"(Y/N)!!" Link yelled and gave you a bone crushing hug.

"woah- wait, where am I?!"

"You're at the Zora Clinic" A red Zora who is probably 10 feet high with jewelries all over his chest smiled and kneeled at the bed.

"oh.. Uh, how long have I've been out?" You asked the man.

"Around 2 or 3 days, I guess you swallowed a lot of water. But don't worry, I gave you a CPR." The Zora Smiled and laughed. You were deadpanned for a moment waiting for your brain to respond until you realized what he meant by CPR.

"wait... So.. That means... Our lips touched?!" You scream, Your face was red as the Zora's skin.

"Well... I had no choice since I'm out of options..." The Zora scratched the back of his neck and gave you a heartwarming smile.

'great, my first kiss was stolen by a zora that I never met.'

"Oh by the way! My name is Sidon, the Prince of the Zora Domain!" he yelled and did his little signature pose. (Me://inserts Sidon's sexy theme for I don't even know reasons//)

。°o ᴮᴼᵀᵂ ˣ ᴿᴱᴬᴰᴱᴿ ᴼᴺᴱ ˢᴴᴼᵀˢ o°  。 (ˢᴸᴼᵂ ᵁᴾᴰᴬᵀᴱˢ)Where stories live. Discover now