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You woke up due to a lot of noises coming from beside you, and were greeted with the sight of Bill tightly holding onto his pillow, whimpering and whining. That was all it took for you to be wide awake in an instant, sitting up and taking a hold of his shoulder to shake him lightly.

"Bill? Bill, wake up!" You said, helplessly watching as he tightly squeezed his eye, suddenly breathlessly crying out. Your eyes went wide, a gasp leaving your lips when Bill jerked up, his eye just as wide as your own, staring at you in a mixture of fear and shock. His breath left his lips in quiet, quick gasps, like he was trying to catch his breath. When his eye met your own, he seemed to calm down a bit, gulping down a lump in his throat.


You stared at him for a few moments before relief washed over you. You couldn't help but to hug him tightly, wrapping your arms around him. Despite the rather shocking thing that occurred, you couldn't help but to be happy that he finally woke up.

"I was so worried...Thank god you're awake," you said, your voice coming out a bit muffled as you basically buried your face in his shoulder.
He took a deep breath before also wrapping his arms around you, returning the hug even though he was pretty stunned. When you felt his arms around you you had to smile lightly.

"I'm...sorry," he apologised, voice a bit hoarse and quiet. You shook your head, holding onto him even tighter, but also making sure not to squeeze the living life out of him.

"It's okay...now that you are awake." You also took a deep breath, the smile turning to a dreamy one when his intoxicating scent hit your senses. On the other hand, Bill was a bit paralysed. He hadn't expected such a..warm welcome. He thought that you'd argue with him, be angry with him, scold him for what he did to Ford. Anything but this kind of reaction. It made him suspicious, but also relieved.

"Are you alright?" You asked, pulling away from the comforting hug to get a better look at the demon. His hair, eyes and clothes were still blue, nothing had changed.
Bill was taken aback by the question, thinking for a few moments and looking around in the room.

"I...guess?" You narrowed your eyes, taking a piece of his clothing to show it to him.

"Then why do you still look like your brother?" He shrugged at your question, making you sigh.

"Is it...because of what happened with Ford?" You were careful with your guesses, even hesitated before bringing it up. Bill was visibly shocked, but already predicted that Ford had told you everything.

"What do you know?" He asked, avoiding eye contact while waiting for your response. Or rather, while waiting for the worst to happen.

"That you held him captive in a dungeon to convince him to remove the barrier. That's about it." His eye widdened ever so lightly. Stanford didn't tell you anything about him torturing the human? He kept it a secret?

"Look, Bill, kidnapping people is not a good thing--well, I think you already know that much--but I'm not all that angry, honestly. I mean...I guess you were really stressed out because you wanted to go with me and probably didn't know any better?" The demon still couldn't believe that Ford hid that one major detail from you, but he was glad, no, thankful that he did. Taking a deep breath, he smiled cheekily. But it strongly resembled a forced smile or a fake one.

"I'm really pathetic, aren't I?" You sighed, pulling the demon into another hug and letting his head rest on your chest, making him sigh in a dreamy--yet relieved--way. A smile tugged at your lips when you saw him smiling slightly, his blue colours slowly vanishing.

"We'll find some way to get you out if here, okay? Together. Without you kidnapping people and without me leaving you alone." It was silent for a few moments, before a few sobbing noises made their way to your ears. You looked down at him. Bill was still smiling, yet clear crystal blue tears rolled down his cheeks. The few ones that you saw made your eyes widden--he looked oddly beautiful like that. 
He hid his face in your chest, tightening his grip around you.

"God...you really managed to make me fall in love..." You had to giggle quietly at what he said, running your hands through his golden locks in a calming matter. You carefully laid back down with him--his head still resting on your chest-- to try and get some more rest and to calm him.


Note: So, my summer vacations will end on tuesday. Meaning that school will start again and this year will be very important for my future. So, I sadly won't be able to update as much as before. I'll really try my best but please do understand that I'll need more time now. From time to time I'll obviously have more time, but I think y'all get the point.
Thank you.

[read description before reading!!] bound to you ; bill cipher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now