Meeting The Man

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  • Dedicated to Dr John Watson

Mrs Holmes was standing in a alley way on her phone. She couldn't be  heard by anyone for this plan to work. She felt someone was watching her from afar, and her suspicions were correct as she heard foot steps approaching. She hung up straight away and waited for him. 

"Mrs Holmes?"  He said 

She closed her eyes, strong male, British quite distinctive, only could be one person. Mycroft Holmes. She turned around with a smile on her face, she hadn't seen him a very long time and was unbelievably happy with this reunion, for some odd reason. 

"Mycroft! Great to see you again, so doing well then."

Mycroft nodded still smiling.

"Please come and have some tea with me, there's a lot to catch up on. Hows my dear brother doing?"

"I think you know Mycroft, but if you need to hear it, he was shocked to see me, but he shouldn't be really."

"Shocked, Sherlock..  Really?"

"I seem to recall the look on his face to be that shocked expression. Sherlock's forgot how well I know him,how well he thought me, he used to be so proud of me."

"Yes well I did choose wisely when picking a women to marry my brother. I always knew you'd learn quick, you had a quick mind and to Sherlock that must have been exciting.Yet you both walk away from each other, a while after the w-."

"Mycroft! It was hard you know that, but its in the past now, I don't want to talk about it."

"Did you delete it?" 

"I couldn't delete my own wedding even if I tried."

There was a silence, until she realized she had a place to be now, and they were probably waiting for her.

"Mycroft I'm sorry, I have a place to be right now, but we shall catch up at a later time."

"Of course Mrs Holmes, see you later."

And with that she was off, and strangely enough at the library just down the street. She was in the safe room a few floors underground form the actual library. She saw a man in a chair sleeping and raised in eyebrow at the 2 men at the door.

"You got him then?" she asked 

"Yes Mrs Holmes."

"Great job boys,"

She walked over to the man on the small lounge chair and smirked down at him.

"Dr Watson its time to get up now" she said loudly 

John groaned and let his mind register what he just heard. A woman's voice, the last thing he knew was he was falling asleep to Sherlock playing the violin. So why was he hearing a woman's voice? His eyes snapped open  when his brain processed this information and he winced at the sudden light that hit him. Once he adjusted to it,  he saw a woman, she was tall with long Black hair in a bun with shinning green eyes and red lipstick.

"Wh-at am I.. who a-" John stuttered in shock of a new surrounding 

She leaned down and pressed a finger to his lips.

"John don't talk, I'll do that for the both of us."

John looked at her confused in every sense.

"I presume Sherlock didn't tell you about me... of course he wouldn't. I am his biggest secret. You know John, Sherlock needs you, like you need him. Your vital to each other, I don't like that John. Just a few years ago I was you well in some ways I was. Sherlock and Me were perfect and now I'm back I just wanted to warn you. Your lucky John, very lucky he actually likes you. And thanks for saving his life all those times. He really is unbelievable sometimes."

She turned to look John in the  eyes and smiled sweetly

"Anything you want to ask?"

"Who are you?"

"Me oh John its hardly a deduction to make. But if I really  have to point it out for you. Mrs Sherlock Holmes, Nice to meet you Dr Watson"

"N-No...Sherlock does not, he doesn't!"

"Now I best be on my way John, if you could not mention this to Sherlock it would be great thanks."

She walked to the door and before walk out she turned back to look at John. 

"It was nice, this little chat John, really, we should do lunch some time. But for now I have Mycroft to dine with, bye"

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