Passion, Danger & Fire

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It had been an interesting reunion for Mrs Holmes, and now she'd made it clear to nearly everyone she was back there was only a few things to do. One big problem was at the top of her list though. She gave Sherlock time to process her return but she couldn't leave this for much longer. She had to go tell him and that's what she was about to do. Sherlock was reading in his chair at 221B when she walked in. 

"Sherlock you did miss me didn't you, oh who am I kidding the great Sherlock Holmes doesn't have feeling does it." 

Sherlocks head slowly moved to acknowledge her and he looked into her eyes making his deductions, or the very few he could pick up from her.  

"Sherlock please forget about last time, make this about now I'm begging you" 

Sherlock looked  back down to his book 

"Ok yes, I did just bring up the past but I'm still unbelievably- okay sorry, Sherlock I've been in touch with Jim well sort of." 

"Whats he doing now?" 

"There planning something that involves your life, I sort of teamed up for a while to find that information and even though I'm stupid for it I care about you and what happens to you, so please try and investigate of what I've found out." 

"I have an idea but Faith, caring is not an advantage." Sherlock was in the process of putting his coat on as John walked in. 

"Agh John, this is my wife, great now are you coming or what?" 

"Sherlock I just got home!"

Sherlock gave him a look and John groaned and walked over to the 2 of them. And all of them were off together with John tagging behind though. 

"You've missed this haven't you? The trill of chase, the blood pumping though your veins." Sherlock smirked 

"Oh yes, I missed this very much! I also missed you being a show off, and a jerk to everyone." 

Sherlock rolled his eyes 

"I am a show off it what I do." Sherlock said boredom in his every word 

"Oh John I'm sorry about last week, like I said, warning you.." 

"She was being Mrs Holmes of course she was warning you. Even I picked up on your uneasiness when you got home. Oh good where here, come on" 

"Well that was a short ride." 

"Yes not far" 

They all got out of the cab, John and Faith followed Sherlock until the deduction part came in, Sherlock and his wife took care of that part. John's phone started to ring and he picked it up, there was an emergency at the doctors and they wanted John to come in. He decide it was wise to leave those 2 together. 

"Sherlock I need to go to work, I'll be there for a few hours ok?" John said 


2 hours later Sherlock was in his chair in his apartment somewhere deep in his mind palace and Faith was looking at him. 

"Sherlock I've actually missed you.." 

"I know you keep expressing it in small ways that no one else would pick up but me." 

she crouched in front of him and took her hand in his. 

"I would do anything to be home again Sherlock" 

"It looks like were both weak in each others presence then." 

"Sherlock for gods sake why can't you just-" 

She was cut off by a soft pair of lips pressing onto hers. His hands cupping her cheeks, his touch felt even better then you'd imagined, it was like her skin was on fire, he always did strange things to her. They broke apart due to air, 

"Yes?" Sherlock muttered smirked, obviously pleased with himself.

"I-" she opened her mouth but nothing came out, she grabbed his jacket pulling him close and pressing there lips together again. There was no protest from Sherlock so things got a tiny bit out of hand. You can imagine the shock on John's face while walking in on his best friend that doesn't like woman kissing one with what looked like everything his got. Sherlock noticed John and quickly pulled away from her. 

"I-I'm sorry you need time to catch up, um I'm going to bed" John said quietly 

"John - I - John!" Sherlock yelled 

But John didn't come back he just left and Sherlock stood there one hand on his hip and the other running though his hair in frustration. 

"That's what I get for playing with fire and Passion" Sherlock muttered 

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