Love, Murder And A Wedding

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It had been weeks since they got the invitation and Mycroft had been doing some consulting with Faith. Sherlock couldn't pick up on what they were talking about but it must have been important. Faith was counting down the days till the wedding in her head, like everything was coming to an end. Sherlock and her had enventully solved the case of the women in the bath, it was her brother that was murdering people. no one noted the large foot inprint on the bedroom floor, to big to be a womens so a mans then. Faith had woke up in the morning to Sherlock sitting in the chair on the oppsite side of the bed. Her head fell back into the pillow and she sighed as the sun hit her, 

"Your up early," She whsipered 

"Your up late," He said back 

"Somethings on your mind, talk to me" 

"I may get killed today Faith, but more importantly I hate being social." 

"I know how you feel" 

"At least the attack is not on your life" he said looking down

Faith pushed the blanket sheets away from body and walked over to Sherlock, grabbed his hand and pulled him up, walked him backwards until he fell down on the bed. 

"You need rest Sherlock, it's big day today, please get some sleep." Faith begged 

She got back into bed and pulled the covers over the two of them, then wrapped her arms around Sherlock so he couldn't get up. Sherlock eventually fell alseep but only for 40 minutes, as the alarm went off. Faith got up and got ready staright away, she walked into the bathroom and did her hair. Once she was done she walked out of the bathroom to see Sherlock trying to put a tie on, she fixed it up for him. 

"Sherlock, Love isn't as visous as you think, It's something that is always going to happen. And I know that you find it, disgraceful and against your work and your mind. But have you ever thought about what your heart wants?" 

"I always listen to my senses Faith"

"Love is natural, you shouldn't push it away when it's there. When your true love comes around you should embrace it, not just walk away or ignore it. Sherlock your someone that has it all and your the man I will love for the rest of my life, and when I think about it being just you and me, you and me against the world, its amazing. That's something that I've always wanted Sherlock, I've always wanted you for who you are. 

Sherlock had nothing to say he just stood there looking her in the eyes like she was him. He felt a barrior around his emotinal side slowly falling down as the words ussered it to step up and beat with hers, to become one. 

"I'm never going to give up on us, I know John and everyone else thinks your immune to love. But of course you can fall in love, your only human. You just have an amazing mind and in no way does that stop you from falling." 

Sherlock nodded both of there eyes searching for each other,

"Sherlock! Faith! Come on we need to get going" John yelled 

Faith rolled her eyes and Sherlock let a smile creep onto his lips. 

"Come on Mrs Holmes, we have a wedding to attend" 

They linked arms and walked out of the bedroom where John was waiting for them. 

"Wow you two look.. um good together"  John said taken back by his thoughts 

"Thanks John!" Faith said 

They all walked out together and John drove to the ceramony, 

Everything was like a normal wedding, except there was the worlds most evil criminal in the place. Sherlock was consantly watching out for odd things to happen or something to go wrong. When the reception came, everything was going great. Faith was sitting next to Mycroft's friend actually (It's a small world) His name was Andrew and they had met before. John was sitting next to a man called Paul who seemed to not want to be there at the time. The bridal waltz happened and after everyone was up and dancing. Sherlock had went to the bathroom after some argument and Faith went to get a glass of soft drink. She went to the bar and Paul was there serving people, she found that very odd but decided to not tell Sherlock. 

"Hi Paul, agh can I get a coke?" 


And he went off to get a glass when she heard her voice being called. 

"Faith! Its really lovely to see you again" Andrew said 

"Andrew, good to see you to" 

She heard a loud clink of the glass on the bar and turned to grab her drink and Andrew and her made there way back to the table. Sherlock came back a few minutes he heard the music, and saw everyone was dancing. He also saw Faith talking to Andrew, they knew each other Mycrofts friend. 

"Did I miss anything?" he asked her

"No, nothing" 

"Lets dance Faith" he said serouisly 

She smiled 


He grabbed her hand and pulled her out onto the dance floor, they slowed danced for a while in silence. She was melting in his arms, his hot breath on his neck and eyes glued to each others



"Why are we dancing?" 

"I needed to get a closer look on all the guests" 

There was silence again, she took all of Sherlock in, he looked so perfect right there in the moment 



"I'm sorry I've given you nothing of me over the last 3 years. I mean you deserve so much better then what I gave you" 

"Sherlock, you needed to take things slow. I got that very fast and over the last couple of weeks you've shown me why I should say." 

"Faith, I- agh "

"You what?" 

"I-I um I love you." He said nervously but sure of it. 

She paused, frozen on the spot her mouth hung open slightly. 

"Y-You, You, really?" She asked happiness evident in her tone 

"Yes, I know all the basic conceps of love and I have come to the conclusion tha-" 

She cut in 

"Shut up you idiot!" 

A smile spread across his face as well as hers, her arms wrapped around his neck and she stood on her tipy-toes even in her heels to look into his eyes. 

"I'm glad I wasn't just a game Sherlock," She whsipered smirking 

"You are quite good Mrs Holmes" 

"Likewise Mr Holmes," She said smirking still looking into his eyes 

"Oh by the way, I love you to." she added 

Paying attention to Sherlock her observations finalized his statement. Once the words were spoken from her, his pupils dialated and pulse elevated he let out a shakey breath. There foreheads connected, and she placed her hand his cheek and smiled letting a tear drip from her right eye 

"I love you." Said whispered before her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she fell to the hard floor backwards. Sherlock stood there stunned and he blinked a few times to make sure that just did happen. Someone had tapped his shoulder and he spun around, 

"Thats a good one Sherlock, thinking I was going to kill you, made my work so much easier!" 

"Jim, what have you done!" Sherlock said angry running though his veins 

Jim smirked 

"Oh dear Sherlock, it was fun playing with you, did you miss me?" 

"If you killed her-" Sherlock said moving very close to Jim 

John run past the two man standing and to Faith, he grabbed her wrist and sighed looking up to Sherlock and shaking his head. Sherlock's head turned back to Jim and he calmed himself down. 

"Oh well...Goodbye Sherlock, till next time." 

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