Chap 8

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Percy's pov
I helped Perseus on the issue with of Kronos but now I'm heading out to help Hercules with his 12 labors and since Apollo told me that I had to train with the greatest heroes before we split paths now I get to freely roam to find the greatest hero I run there because I don't feel like teleporting there so run I see a big beefy man I ask him "are you Hercules" he nodded and I said "κυνηγός σκιών (shadow hunter)would you like to spar with me?" He agreed and we fought for 5 minutes I could have beaten him in 1  minute but I can't draw to much attention to me so I toned down my skills we where covered with sweat I asked "So I heard your going to be doing 12 labors from the king witch will be basically form lady Hera" he nodded "I'll help you with it " he said "thanks can I just call you shadow hunter" I said "sure I'll meet you here after you get your first task" he nodded and went to the king leaving me to my thoughts I thought of my late mother how she fought the hellhound to protect me but I couldn't protect her then he came over and said" we have to kill the Neman lion I nodded and said "well that's fairly easy" I mutter we head out and I tell him " you'll have to kill it I can help but these are your trials" he nodded and I continued "you have to ether hit inside its mouth, rip his jaw open and remember he still has organs and you can still shake them around" and then we walk till sunset and find a clearing and I asked "do you wanna hunt or set up camp he said "ill set up camp" I when I went to hunt an elk I ran and found a elk I taped a tattoo and my by bow appeared Apollo enchanted it before we split up and I thought of an arrow with a black iron and it hits its mark and then I hoist it on my shoulder my archery hi perfect I turn of all my advantages for archery and practice until it hit its mark every time  from the horizon so I chose to keep my advantages off for fairness but I never told Apollo for that I feel slightly guilty but anyways Hercules seemed surprised that I was already back he had the tents pitched and tryed to start a fire so I got a fire wood with my swords and I started the fire with a little spark then i talked to Hercules and said "you should inherit some powers from zues"  he said "what could I do" "you can create lightning and control the winds" he said "can you tell me how to" I replied let's start with wind control think about the wind and feel it's movement close your eyes and see the wind in your mind then think about altering it" he was listening to my advice and I felt the air change slightly but he seemed tired so I wanted to try something and I summoned a square of ambrosia and handed it to him he nodded in appreciation I said "you'll get better with practice "
Time skip 1 week
Percy pov
Where are about to fight the Neman lion Hercules has control over the air but I still have better control he can summon lightning and control it so we're going to fight it

Olympian counsel
Apollos pov
I recognize percy introduced him self as κυνηγός σκιών Zeus insists on watching his son on his quest but he was shocked that someone beat his son in 5 min then offered to help him train with his powers he said "who is this man!" No one knew but me but I said nothing he decided that we were going to watch the fight the Neman lion backed up from Percy but Zeus thought he was cowering from Hercules but I knew he was hiding from Percy he backed up and said "remember my lesson" Hercules nodded Percy went to the Neman lion at that point I was worried but I kept a straight face Zues said "is he crazy" but he pet the lion and Zeus was flipping out percy said "don't hurt her to bad" but then stepped back the son of Zeus stepped forward ready to fight the Neman lion lunged first but was swatted away as he slapped the air and the lion shook her head and roared and he shot lightning in her mouth she turned to dust and a pelt the consul turned into complete and utter chaos not the person

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