What did I miss

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Finally. I've honestly never thought I would miss school, but I proved myself wrong. I've missed it. I step out of the car and walk to the other side of it. Joey rolls the window down 'Have fun.. or not' he says while he smiles. 'Weird enough I think it will be fun today. Much more fun than sitting at home at least', I say while checking if everything is in my backpack. 'Yeah, but that's not that hard now, is it?' Joey closes the window again, waves at me and drives away. Here we go then.

As soon as I walk into school I can see people staring at me. I forgot about that, I guess. It's been a big rumour of course. Not only at school, but our whole town was suddenly obsessed with the story of a boy that got beaten up and now has amnesia. Boohoo, poor me. When I open my locker I can still see the people looking at me from the corner of my eyes. They're whispering and trying to get a good look at my face and arm. Yes, my arm is still broken peeps. It looks like they're freaking sightseeing, only  I'm the big sight.

'Dude, have you been ignoring me?', Liam sits down next to me and throws his bag on his desk. We're having science and as it turns out I actually do have a project with Liam. How ironic. He grabs his books out of his bag and throws his bag back on the floor. He looks at me, waiting for me to say something. 'Yeah, funny story actually..' I start, not sure what I'm going to say. Hey Liam! Do you remember my mom? Yeah well, she actually tried to prevent us from having any contact at all, great hm? Liam waits for me to continue and grabs my bag to get my books out too. Like I said before. Liam is adorable. I could take the books out with one hand too, but it's a lot more work. When he's finished with putting the right books on my desk he puts his elbow on the desk and leans with his head on his hand while looking at me. 'So, are you going to tell me the truth or are you going to make up a story?' I don't know how to respond to that. I wanted to make a story up, but suddenly that would feel like I'm betraying him. I look at him and sight. 'Fine, I'll tell you.' At the moment I want to start explaining everything, our science teacher walks in, obviously not in his best mood: he immediately starts to scream at one of my classmates for having the wrong books. Liam doesn't pay any attention to him. Instead he just looks at me, still waiting for me to tell him the truth. I grab my pen and start to write something completely unnecessary in my notebook 'I'll tell you some other time, okay. We should pay attention now.' Liam raises one eyebrow, but doesn't ask me about it anymore 'I hate science', is the only thing he mumbles.

When the bell rings and we pack our bags, I start to regret going back to school. I liked working together with Liam. I liked being at school again and learning things. The only thing I really disliked were all the looks I got. I thought it would be over soon, just like people get bored after looking at a painting for some time, but it looks like I'm a real piece of art. They keep looking. When we walk out of class, it only gets worse. We've only had one hour and I still have three more to go. I wish Liam could just stay with me the whole day, but we don't have biology together. I have biology with Scott, who I haven't heard from ever since I was beaten up. To be absolutely honest: I haven't heard anything from them at all. Didn't they take the effort to contact me.. or did my mom send them away too? Liam hands me my bag. 'Goodluck, I'll see you again during lunchtime', he turns around, and before I can thank him he's gone in the mass.

'Hey, asshole!', as soon as I walk into class, Scott is waiting for me at our desk. We always sit at the same spot, I don't know why. It's not like we have to, it's just this unspoken rule we all have. 'You dick, I was worried about you! Why didn't you respond to any of my calls? Or my texts?', Scott shakes his phone above his head. I walk over to him, 'Mine is broken, idiot', I smile while sighting, relieved. 'Why didn't you tell me? You could have send me a message on Facebook or something.' He's slightly annoyed. Can't blame him. I should have send them a message. All of them: Scott, Malia, Mason, Corey.. But I didn't. 'Sorry man, I wasn't allowed to use my laptop. Doctors advice.' It's not a complete lie, but it's also not the complete truth. Scott takes a look at my bag 'Need a hand with that?' 'Funny, Scottie', I try to take my stuff out, but as it seems I really do need an extra hand. 'You do need it though, don't you?', Scott grins and helps me out. 'We were all really worried about you. We thought about visiting, but Liam told us you're barely at home. What was going on?' I don't know how to respond to that. Again. I don't know what my mom was expecting to happen. Did she think I would never know she send Liam away time after time? On the other hand, if what Joey was telling me is true, it wouldn't be that weird. I try to fake a smile 'Just making the best of my free week.' He slightly shakes his head before opening his book on the right page. 'Whatever you say, Theo.'

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