Whispering stories

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'Yeah, what's up?', Mason rolls over to his other side so he can look at me. 'I wanted to thank you. For everything', I say, looking straight into his eyes. 'You're an idiot, Theo', he tries to shake his head while still lying down. 'You don't have to thank me for any of this. I'm happy you finally trusted me- trusted us enough to tell us everything. And if you think you're some kind of burden in our family: you're not. I swear. My brothers don't just like everyone, but they like you. And my mom loves you, like you saw. My dad already started making silly jokes, which means he has already let you into the family. And well, my little sister, she obviously loves you. She didn't want to go to sleep because she was afraid you'd be gone tomorrow', Mason stops talking to take a breath. Like I said before. Mason can sense what's on your mind. He just feels it. He already proved that I-don't-know-how-many-times in the last few days alone. 'So stop feeling like you have to thank our family. Yes, not my family, our family. Because whether you like it or not, you're part of it now.'

'I'm sorry about that', Mason grins while starting the car. We've just dropped Mason's little sister off at her school. She's so cute, I swear. She's only five and absolutely adorable, just like all of Mason's siblings actually (including Mason). 'It's okay', I smile. 'I heard from my mom that she said to her yesterday, just before she went to bed, that if she's a big girl, she wants to marry someone like you', Mason cracks up while saying it. 'Don't get me wrong, I hope she does, but let's hope he's a little less gay'. I start to laugh out loud for the first time in a while. I feel happy.

Mason parks his car next to Scott's car. 'How the hell are they already at school? I thought we were early!', Mason groans. I jump out of the car and look around the parkinglot 'Liam is already here too, I can see his car standing over there.' When I look over to the school I can see that we're the last ones to arrive from our group. From our pack. Mason shrugs, 'Seriously, since when is everyone this motivated to get to school.' We walk over to the rest of the group. Liam is the first one to notice us. He smiles slightly at me and gestures to the rest of the pack that we're here. 'Hey buddies', Scott says, looking a bit worried, 'It's good to see you both.' Liam walks over to me and gives me a hug. While hugging he whispers something in my ear, 'Act like nothing is wrong, but something happened and it's not good.' He let's go off me and the rest of the pack forces a smile on their faces. Mason raises an eyebrow, 'Guys, what is going on?' Corey tries to calm Mason down, 'Nothing, we'll talk about it later, okay?'. Mason looks over to the rest. 'No, not okay. What's going on? Is there a problem?' Liam takes my hand and squeezes it lightly. I look into his eyes. When I want to open my mouth to say something he shakes his head: it's almost unnoticable, but it's clear that he wants to prevent me from saying anything, so I don't. Malia tries to make clear to Mason that he needs to shut up too, but it doesn't look like he's planning on doing so. 'Just tell me what's going on. Why were you all so early at school? It makes no sense, so help me understand.' Scott looks over his shoulder as if he's trying to check if nobody's listening. Corey tries to give Mason a hug to be able to whisper something in his ear just like Liam did with me, but Mason pushes him away. It breaks my heart to see Corey's reaction. He looks so hurt. Apparently it broke Mason too, because he immediately regrets it. 'Oh my God Corey, I'm so sorry. I just want to know what's going on', Mason says while stepping towards Corey. He gives him a hug. Corey has to flip a switch: his eyes change from sad to determined. He whispers something in Mason's ear. I wish I could hear it, but I can't. The only thing I can see is the change in Mason's face. 'You can't be serious', Mason says under his breath while still holding on to Corey.

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