Inner Circle

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We're driving back to Mason's house again. Whether it's a smart thing to do is unsure, but we needed to have another pack night: immediately. Scott and Malia had to tell us something. Something that might wreck our friendship, they said. That might even make us hate them. Something that might make us scared of them. At least, that's what they said. We concidered going to someone else's house, but if someone is really following us (either Lydia.. or someone else), they already know where we all live, so there will be no use. They know where we live. "Hey buddy, you in there?", Mason looks at me while driving. "Yeah sorry, just thinking", I smile at him. He nods, "Me too. I'm actually really nervous to be honest. They sounded so serious,  so tense, you know? Like they really had to tell us some big ass things and I really don't know what to expect." I look out of the window. We're almost there. "I'm nervous too", I admit.

"Bad day at school?", Faith opens the door before we even knocked. "You both look like you can use some hot chocolate", she smiles at us before turning around and walking back to the kitchen. Mason throws his schoolbag on the floor, "Not on the floor, put it where it belongs!", Faith shouts from the kitchen without even looking. Mason picks up his bag, takes mine too and walks upstairs, "I'll be back in a sec." Faith looks over her shoulder and I smile out of a reflex. When she sees that, the puts everything down and walks over to me. "Boy", she says while putting her hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. "Boy, you don't have to pretend you're doing okay, just to make me happy. You don't have to smile if you don't feel like smiling", she says while shaking her head. "You don't have to, not ever, okay?" She smiles slightly and walks back into the kitchen. Mason comes running down the stairs, "No, go away, little brat!", he yells overdramatic. I hear a little girl giggle and see her coming down the stairs too. "Theo! Theo!", she screams in joy. In the meantime Mason is downstairs and runs over to me. "No, he's my friend Annie! You'll never get him!" Mason grabs me; putting two arms around my waist. "You'll never ever get him!", Mason yells. Annie scurries over to Mason and me, "No, bad Mason! I want to say hi to Theo too!" I can't help but laugh. Genuinly this time. "Save me, Annie!", I say while acting like I'm scared. Annie pushes Mason away, who acts like Annie is too strong and dramatically falls onto the ground. "You defeated me!", he grunts. "My hero", I say and smile at Annie. She looks up to me, happily and proud. "Hi Theo!", she says before giving me a hug.

Scott and Malia are the first one's to arrive. Mason's parents didn't have a problem with another pack night: they only asked if we could try to keep the noise down so Mason's siblings would be able to sleep. Of course we promised to be quiet. "There's enough food in the fridge", was the last thing Faith said before going upstairs too. "Are the others not here yet?", Scott says while looking into the room. Malia sits down on the couch and takes her phone out, "Shouldn't they be here by now?" At that moment we hear someone knocking at the door. Corey and Liam step inside after Mason opened the door for them. "We thought it would be more.. Safe? To come together", Corey says while giving Mason a hug. Mason nods, "I'm happy you did."

We all sit in some sort of circle. Everyone's sipping their drink, waiting for someone to say anything, but no one does. Mason is the first one to break the silence. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I really want to know what you guys needed to tell us." Scott and Malia look at each other and then back to Mason. "You're probably right", Scott says. Malia takes Scott's hand and shakes her head, "I just don't want to lose them." "Malia, we talked about this. They need to know. If they don't.. They're in even more danger", Scott puts his drink down and takes Malia's hands in his hands. Malia keeps shaking her head, "I know we should tell them, but I just don't want to lose my pack.. My friends. My family. Not again." I look over to Liam to see that he was already looking at me. I raise one eyebrow and he gestures that he has no clue either. I sit down closer to him and look up to Malia and Scott again. Malia started to cry and Scott looks like he doesn't know what do do anymore. "Mal, we need to tell them. Theo almost got killed already and that's our fault."

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