Chapter 10

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A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!

One Week Later

I've been stuck in this prison cell for a week now. I haven't been given any food or water at all. My wrists were completely raw and bruised badly from the chains around them. Once a day an angel will come around just to make sure I haven't gotten out but other than that I've been completely alone. 

For the first few days, I sent daily prayers to Castiel. Telling him that I was okay and filling him in on what was happening. I didn't know if he could hear me or not, but it was worth a try. After about three days, I stopped sending them. I've pretty much lost hope that he was coming. I was starving and extremely thirsty. My clothes were damp from the cell and I was freezing. At this point, I was wishing for death, but there was still a part of me that knew he was coming. That knew Castiel was searching for me and would save me soon. 

I missed the angel. I missed his awkwardness and his lack of knowledge about the human race. I missed Sam and Dean. I missed their brotherly banter and helping them research for a case. I even miss training with them even if I would get hurt every time. 

Thinking of the trio brought tears to my eyes and before long I was full on sobbing. 

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Time for my daily check. I didn't even bother to hide my tears. I was gonna die anyway so it didn't matter. 

The footsteps stopped, but they didn't keep going. Normally the angel checking on me would just look through the small peephole and then keep walking. I continued to sob as the door unlocked and then opened. A figure stepped into the room and my emotions took over. I looked straight at the figures face. All I could see was a silhouette.

 "What do you want with me?! Just leave me alone!" 

I looked down at the dirty floor as the angel continued to walk closer to me and stop right in front of the bars. 


The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint who it belonged to. I could tell that it was a male's voice though. Maybe they were finally getting tired of waiting for me to die and we're going to kill me. 

The tears ran faster as different ways they could kill me ran through my head. I heard keys jingle and then the cell doors were being unlocked. 

Here it comes. 

I'm done for. 

He slowly stepped into the cell and stopped in front of me. I watched the floor and he bent down in front of me but I refused to look. 

"Look at me." 

Once again the voice sounded familiar and oddly gentle but I continued staring at the ground as if it would swallow me. 

"Hope, please, look at me." 

The angel's voice was getting more desperate and I couldn't help but look up, confused as to why he wanted me to look at him so badly. My eyes widened and my tears only ran faster as I saw who was in front of me. 


 His hands rose and cupped both my cheeks gently. 

"Yes, Hope, it's me." 

I threw myself into his arms and wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could. Without hesitation, his arms wrapped around me tightly as well and I cried into his shoulder. I felt something else embrace me. It only took me seconds to recognize the soft and warm feeling of his wings. 

He was here. 

He came for me.

He really did. 

Footsteps echoed throughout the hall and Cas pulled away from me quick. 

"We have to get out of here," he whispered. 

I nodded still crying, but ready to do whatever I needed. With a snap of his fingers, my cuffs were gone. He looked me straight in the eyes and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Look, I know you don't like flying, but it's the only way we're getting out of here." 

I quickly nodded, just wanting to get out of here. His hand on my shoulder slid around to my back and his other arm slid underneath my legs. He picked me up like I weighed the same as a feather. 

Then, we were in the bunker.

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? (Specifically, my original Crush From Afar and two Harry Styles fanfics Meet and Greet and I Really Don't Care.) Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

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