F.C 'The break up'

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I was searching around camp Jaha looking for Finn. We haven't talked since his incident with the village... My eyes searching for the brunette fair skinned boy. Finally my eyes caught his glance and I made my way over too him
"Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked, he stood there and didn't say a word, I gulped and felt my heart beat decrease its speed, "Say something" I mumbled, he smacked his lips then slowly licked his lips, "I-I've been thinking, I don't think I deserve you, we need to end this" he spoke, I felt my heart get ripped out of chest and stood on, I inhaled and exhaled not knowing what to say,
"It's not you- Oh so it isn't me? it's you? Look, when we started dating I knew we would have bumpy roads...one of the reasons I'm your girlfriend is to help you with stuff like this Finn" I explained, he slowly nodded a no, and gulped, "I'm sorry" he replied then walked off, I felt my bottom lip quiver, my breathing was increased and my tears were constant. I slowly made my way back to the tent that me and Finn once shared, I laid down and cried silently.

"Have you seen Y/N?!?" I heard a voice, 10 seconds later I saw Clarke enter my tent, "We need to talk" she spoke, I sat up and raised my brow,
"If it's about the mistake I made the othe- No, that's not it, I came back from the commanders tent, they will agree on a truce i-if, if they receive Finn in return" She explained, My eyes went wide and nodded a no.

"They're going to kill him, for what he has done" I whispered, Clarke gulped.
"What should we do?" Clarke asked, I exhaled, "The commander isn't going to get Finn, we find another way" I spoke. I made my way out of tent and needed to cry and scream all my feelings out, I needed to cry in Finn's arms... But I couldn't.

Sorry this was short! So any requests? Just comment down below! 💘

The 100 Boy's & (mainly) Bellamy Preferences/ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя