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Su Jin's POV

Just as I figured it out, I saw Jackson walking towards me.

Sorry Jackson, I don't think I can even trust you anymore. I have to be cautious of everyone.

"Hey Jin Su, good morning."

"Good morning."

"Are you okay?"

At that moment, Mark joined us while drinking water.

"Hi guys."

I sighed.

"There were five people following me during my morning exercice. They used daggers to attack."

"Where are they now?", Jackson asked, a small sign of concern in his voice.

"I knocked them out and left them at the place where they attacked me. Do you want to go see them?"

"Alright. Let's go."

We walked the way there, but there was no trace of anyone. Even the daggers were removed from their spots.

"As expected, they left."

"The holes the daggers left are still here though.", I said as I slowly and carefully touched the spots.

"The attacks are getting more intense than I thought they would. Just what is he planning?"

"Have you found out anything new?" asked Mark, curious.

I can't possibly tell them about my suspicions. I have to be careful around all of them.

"No, but I did check the marks on the daggers. It's a logo I've never seen before. Two red snakes forming a sort of an "infinity" sign with a silver blade between them. And some weird shapes that looked like letters in an unknown language. I seriously have no idea what they are."

"That's weird... Could it be a new clan? But if so, how come we've never heard of it?" Jackson put a hand on his chin, deep in thoughts.

~2 days later~

The school trip was finally over. I swear, if I had to spend another second there, I would have killed the teachers.

Today is a school day so I woke up earlier and got ready.

When the three of us were finished preparing ourselves, we headed to school.

~In class~

"Okay, so class, we're starting an individual project. You're going to prepare a presentation due for Monday. As the subject is 'Yourself', you'll have to talk about what you like about yourself and why.  The other teachers and I realized that students often lacked self-love, so we hope you'll build up your confidence and get a better understanding of yourself through this project. That's all.", the teacher explained.

I scoffed.

For once, I was listening to the teacher and this is the news I hear?

What we like about ourselves? Bullsh*t.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. While going out the classroom, I passed by Mingyu. Noticing me, he gave me a sincere smile.

I didn't know what to do, so I slightly smiled back. Who knows if he even saw it.


"Yoo Bina, it's your turn.", the teacher called Bina.

She stood up and walked to the front.

"I like everything about me. My parents are rich and I'm proud of myself. I have a lot of friends who support me throughout my difficult times. Just as people say, "You are perfect just the way you are." and blah blah blah.

It was boring.

When she finally ended her long and unnecessary speech, the teacher called the next person.

"Kim Jin Su, it's your turn."

Raising an eyebrow, I stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"I have no idea what I like about myself, but I love my friends and my siblings."

Everyone just stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

I stared back. "I'm done."

The teacher raised her eyebrows after checking her watching. "You have to continue. Your presentation is too short."

I shrugged.

"I can't know what's good about myself and what's bad about myself. Only the people who truly know me can. However, I can tell you all something," I paused, "Everybody here is "normal", right? Well, "normal is defined by majority"."

Everyone looked at me questionably, not understanding why I'm telling them this.

"Have you guys ever wonder why people are afraid of scary looking people?"

I stopped talking a little bit and looked at my classmates.

"Because they are different. But have you ever thought that they probably wouldn't be "bad"? Have you ever thought that they had feelings too?"

I took yet again another pause.

"My point is, if you think that you are so special, you are wrong. You are "normal". So stop boasting about yourself,", I spared a glance at Bina, who just looked at me with an offended expression on her face, "and stop showing off."

"You're not any different from any of the people present in this very classroom. Every single one of you are the exact same as the others. Just like copy-paste. Thank you for listening to my life speech.", I said sarcastically.

The entire room was silent. Everyone looked at me, surprised, and that made me raise an eyebrow. Slowly, one clap ringed. Then, a second one. Then, other ones. Until the whole room was filled with claps.

"Very well done, Ms. Jin Su, even though you were a bit off-subject.", the teacher also looked surprised.

"Can I go back to my seat now?"


I walked back to my seat and sat down like nothing happened.

~At lunch~

"Dayuuuuummmmmmm girl! How did you even do that?", Jackson asked me.

"Do what?"

"Come on, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking."

"About the presentation.", he said after seeing my clueless face.

"Oh. I don't know. I just wanted them to know how stupid they are."

Both Mark and Jackson chuckled at my answer as we went to the cafeteria.

I didn't feel like eating, so I just excused myself and went to the rooftop.

When I arrived there, I took advantage of the moment to take some fresh air and to relax.

However, the moment I sensed another presence apart from mine, I knew that I wouldn't have this relaxing session for a long time.


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