Chapter 4

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Uriah POV

Finally. My turn to share my evil ways.
"Shauna, Candor or Dauntless?" I ask.
"Dauntless!" She pratically screams.
I smirk evilly. She's noticed because she shrinks back into herself.

"Go find Eric and proclaim your love for him. Whether he's happy about it or not, you need to slap him then kiss him and walk away."

Shauna gets up as me and Tris follow her as witnesses. We find Eric in his office and Shauna bursts through the doors.

Shauna POV

I storm into Eric's office and immediately run up to him and hug him.
"Woah, Shauna, whatcha doin'?" Eric asks.
Don't laugh, Shauna, don't laugh. I tell myself.
"Eric, I love you!"
"HOW DARE YOU?!" I slap him round the face but then kiss the mark on his cheek and skip away. When I come out of his office, Tris and Uriah are literally rolling around the floor laughing.

Eric storms out to see what all the noise is about, "Candor or Dauntless?"
I nod with a smirk on my face. He has my hand firmly printed into his left cheek.
"I'm playing." he states.
I shrug and get Tris and Uriah off the floor as we make our way back to the apartment.

Eric POV

The only reason I wanted to join their game was because I knew the love of my life would be there. I've loved them since initiation three years ago. As we walk through the door to the apartment , Uriah and Tris still laughing hysterically and Shauna glaring at them, I see him. Him: the love of my life. He asks them what happened and they explain; continuing to laugh. Me and Shauna both roll our eyes and I sit next to Four. My hearts pounding out of my chest and I'm worried he might be able to hear my heartbeats.

Shauna speaks up,"okay then. Who will be my victim I wonder? Eric. C or D?"
"Candor?" I reply, more like a question than a response.
"PANSYCAKE!" I hear Uriah shout, I'm about to tell him to shut up as Tris slaps him round the head. He pouts, obviously trying to make Tris feel bad. I guess it worked when they start have a full on make out session.
"NO PDA!" I shout.
Tris pulls back blushing, Uriah just smirks.

"Okay. Eric. Who do you like?" Damn. I'm already being called a pansycake, me, a leader of Dauntless, so I've got to go through with it.
"Four." I mumble inaudibly.
"What was that Eric?" Lynn questions.
"Four." I say, louder this time.
I turn to look at Four and as I'm about to apologise he grabs my chin and kisses me. Me! I'm beyond happy, how do I react? I can sense everybody's eyes on us so I whisper into his ear, "we'll talk about it later."
He nods and pulls back reluctantly.

I can't believe it! Four likes me back! I think my heart might explode any second and I can feel heat rising into my cheeks. This group of people have somehow managed to break my big bad leader personality...

A/N: so what do you think of the couples so far? Tris and Uriah and Four and Eric! I warned you that you might hate me!

Divergent: Candor or Dauntless? (Uris)Where stories live. Discover now