Cersei x reader x Sansa

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This is a story where both the beauty of house Lannister Cersei and the little dove Sansa fall in love with you. After finding out that both love you, you have to choose between the lioness or the wolf.

Which one do you choose?


You walked through the streets alongside the fiery red haired beauty. She had your hands entwined together.

"My lady, is this appropriate?" You asked.

"It is appropriate for a guard to be alongside their lady, so yes Y/n...this is appropriate,"

"I'm a girl, people might think of something-"

"Oh hush up. Nobody will think that," she gave you a reassuring smile and began walking again. You followed quickly, the clank of metal on metal was almost irritating. It wasn't the armour because, well...it was leather. The clanks were your dual wielding swords scraping against eachother when you moved your back. Woman weren't supposed to be knights, but you had beat so many men in jousts and sword fights that you were best known as the Faceless Dragon and after many more battles you were up against The Mountain. You had knocked him off his horse and that lead to many more events, including him unmasking you. Everyone was shocked that a women had killed so many and nearly beat the Mountain in a sword fight. Cersei ordered you to be executed for impersonating a knight but didn't mean it. You were her lover but she had to look like a queen but Robert saw incredible potential in you, thank the gods. He knighted you and sent you to Winterfell to become a sworn sword to Eddard Stark and that's exactly what you did. You became Sansa's personal guard, protecting her from the smallest threats. Although certain things you couldn't save you lady from. After Ramsey you never left her side. You were always with her. From the beginning of the day to her falling asleep with her head on your knee at night. If anything happened to her you would do everything to kill the person who wronged her.

"Y/n, did you know I love you?" She said still looking straight ahead.

"My princess-" she pulled you away from the public's eyes and kissed you.

"You're beautiful you know," she said as she moved a stray hair behind your ear. You smiled and looked back into her blue eyes.

"Little dove, we should leave...let's get you home," you said softly looking into the blue gems your lady had. She followed you towards your horses. You lifted her on her snow white mare and setting yourself onto the beautiful grey horse Eddard gave you as a gift for years of loyalty to house Stark. The horse was fast and had only let three people ride it. You being one, Sansa the other and Robb... I guess it only let's two people ride it now. Robb though never really wanted to ride your horse, especially after he got his black mare. You rode out with Sansa close behind you. Once you got to Winterfell, Littlefinger asked to talk to you.

 Once you got to Winterfell, Littlefinger asked to talk to you

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"Do you love Sansa?" He asked rather bluntly

"My lord-"

"Do you love her?"



"I am no lady, my lord,"

"You will be in time,"

"What do you mean by that?"

"If I told Lady Sansa what you said today I'm positive she has a question she'd be begging to ask you. But there's always your love for the queen I could never address with you,"


"Not that I have a problem with it. You can trick Cersei, find a way to get her to surrender,"

"I will not do that to her,"

"And why is that?"

"Petyr, stop,"

"Y/n, why won't you?"

"Petyr, I said stop,"

"Answer me, oh so loyal knight,"

"Because I still love the bitch!" You yelled out.

"I thought so," Petyr sneered. "I'm sending you to Kings Landing. You will become Cersei's secret lover and you will make her surrender whether you like it or not,"

"I refuse," You growled.

"You forgot that I also command you. You will leave at dawn tomorrow," He walked out of the room. You sighed. Seeing Cersei again will either break your heart or make you want to stay forever.


"Hey Arya,"

"You love my sister?"




"It's good I didn't tell her a lie then,"

"ARYA!" She giggled. "What all did you say?"

"Just that you love her and that you are probably the cutest pair of lovebirds I've ever seen. A dove and a hawk...adorable," You growled.

"I have to leave tomorrow for Kings Landing,"

"What? Why?"

"Petyr is sending me to make arrangments with Cersei in hopes she will stop the war she's brought to the seven kingdoms,"

"He thinks you can change her mind?"

"I know things about Cersei that only one other person knows about her,"

"Use it against her!"

"That thing...is me,"

"What do you mean?"

"Arya...please don't tell your sister. I'm being sent there to trick Cersei. I use to be her secret lover. After I was unmasked I was almost killed on her word but thank the gods for Robert's drunken mind,"

"Why would she want you killed?"

"She didn't but what would the people think of her if she said knight the damn woman? She had to be seen as a queen,"

"Don't let her hurt you. Try to kill her for me," I smiled sadly and nodded.

"I'll try,"

(TIME SKIP: To Kings Landing)

You got on your grey horse and rode into the gates of the Red Keep. The men that were sent with you swarmed behind you. You got off the horse and stood there. The huge doors finally began to open. Cersei walked out. You smiled at her. She stood there with a small smile that her brother didn't manage to see. You began to walk towards her until an arrow shot through your stomach.

"Y/N!" Cersei screamed out.

(Who could it be?)

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