Yara x Fem! Tyrell,reader

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@Twag53 I hope this is good enough! I wrote it super quick so it might suck!

(Yara's PoV)

I stared at her from across the room. She was beautiful. I don't know what it was but she was just stunning. She would laugh with the men but then one started to touch. She would push his hand away multiple times but this bastard is persistent. I growled then stomped over.

"If the lady wishes for you to stop you will stop,"

"And what 'er ye' gonna do?" He mocked.

"This," I punched his ugly ass nose and smirked as he flung back. I pulled out my sword and pointed it at his throat. "Next time you test a lady make sure she doesn't know how to fight," He nodded helplessly. I put my sword away then walked to the girl.

"Th-thank you," She stumbled over her words/

"Anything for a beautiful lady. May I have your name?"

"Y-Y/n, Y/n Tyrell,"

"Tyrell? What's a Tyrell doing so far from Highgarden?"

"I ran away. Now, I want your name as well since you know mine,"

"Yara Greyjoy,"

"Heard of your brother. Met him a while ago, he was sweet but flirty,"

"Sounds like him," I chuckled. Y/n giggled. "You have the looks of a Tyrell,"

"Is that good?"

"It makes you stunning my lady,"

"Must you call me a lady?" She groaned.

"Do you prefer princess?" Her cheeks became pink. "Well Y/n you must be exhausted, you should rest,"

"I want you to take me to my room. I will feel safer,"

"As you wish m'lady," I said snarkily. She rolled her eyes then led me to her room. She opened the door but turned to me.

"Thank you Yara," She kissed my cheek. I took a sharp breath and smiled.

"Not a problem Princess," Y/n blushed then rolled her eyes and closed the door with one last goodbye. I have to have her. I sighed and went back to the few men I brought with me.

"What are ya' plannin' girl?" One said.

"I am going to make her mine. I'll take her from this shit hole and she can be with us," I said not thinking straightly. One smirked and shook his head. 

"Yer' an odd kid, eh?"

"That's what I've always been called. Now are you helping me or nay'?"

"Do we have a choice?"

"Nay," I said with a smile. We waited an hour before going to her room. I cracked the door open and found her sleeping figure curled under the animal skin blankets. I smiled and walked in. I kissed her forehead before gently picking her up. "If we are stealing a princess we can steal some other things," I nodded towards the three men. The grabbed the furs and small things before we snuck back towards our horses and wagon. The furs were laid down on the bottom of the wagon and I laid her down and covered her with the blanket. I sat beside her and smiled as she murmured something. "I love this princess," I said lightly before laying next to her. The wagon began to move. I kissed the back of Y/n's neck then fell asleep. I was brutally awoken by a scream. I flung the blanket off of me and grabbed my sword before jumping out of the wagon. I saw Y/n backed against a tree in a ball. Her face was hiding in her knees. I sat next to her and lifted her head so I could see her beautiful E/c eyes. She sniffled then hugged me.

"Where am I?" She said in a muffled voice.

"With me my love. You are safe,"

"My love?"

"Yes princess. I seem to have fallen in love with you," I felt a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm not sure Yara...you kidnapped me," she said sarcastically.

"Oh hush," I pressed my lips to hers. She kissed back quickly. After separating I took her back to the wagon. "Does this make you mine?" I said hopefully.

"I think so," She kissed my cheek.

"My princess and no one elses, only mine," She nodded.

"You are my knight in...armour," She said with a laugh.

"I love you Y/n Tyrell,"

"I-I love you too Yara Greyjoy," She said hesitantly. I smiled at her then kissed her temple and rested my head on hers.


Well this sucked. Lol, mkay I am going to sleep. You guys should request shit cause I have no idea what I am doing! Love you guys thanks for reading!

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