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Y'all tell me who you want to get the throne.
I have a long imagine for you including our favourite warger, Bran.

"Leaf?" I asked my older sister as I sharpened my dragon glass sword, leaning my back against the griffin I found not long ago. She looked up at me with soft eyes.


"I want to leave...To see beyond the barrier," I said. Leaf looked at me.

"Beyond the Wall?" I nodded. She stood up as did I. She pulled me into a hug. "Be safe Xan," I nodded and she kissed my forehead.

(Time skip: Xander has created a well known Northern house throughout hundreds years, allianced with House Stark, "grew up" with Rickard Stark. Her sigil is a white Griffin with red eyes [Signifies the Greenseer Children of the Forests, which is Xander but she was never "Turned" into a Weirwood] and a Weirwood with a black background. This is near the White Walker war. She knows all of the Stark children and helped Bran get to the Three Eyed Raven where they bonded quite closely.)

"A raven came this morning," I was handed the rolled piece of paper. I nodded and the courier left. I looked at the red seal, a hydra molded into it. I broke the seal and unravelled the note.

Xander Of Highwater,

We beg of your assistance in defeating a new threat. Not only to the throne but to all of the seven kingdoms. A threat with ice for veins and death in their eyes. An army beyond any, outnumbering us. We ask all houses in the north for aide, Cersei has refused as has Dorne. We've the Unsullied and Dothraki, Northern houses have agreed to fight and sworn allegiance all we ask is for a well known, respected advocate to help change minds and join the fight.

-Queen Daenerys Stormborn

I looked outside and sighed. I whistled thrice and the familiar whistle sped past me. I looked up an the dark blur landed close to me. Chirps and whistles made me grin as I turned and met the giant griffin, her brother landing rather clumsily beside her. I ran my hands over her dark grey feathers. Her brother hopped towards me and nudged me lightly.

"We need to leave soon," I whispered. "Somewhere cold, all of us and you'll finally fly on your own," I said. They both chirped. I smiled and walked inside Lydia (Female) following. I began to write a response to the Queen and sent a raven back

Queen Daenerys Stormborn,

You shall expect me, two-thousand horses and over a thirty Griffin at Winterfell by nightfall accompanied by over six thousand men. Save dragon glass to fold over the talons and beaks of the griffin, I will bring my own supply as well, fifteen to sixteen wagons full.

-Xander Highwater

I slipped in both a talon and beak to show their blacksmith. As the raven flew I sent out another to my stables ordering the horses to be loaded on my ships as well as a supply of hay and stable boys to get them to the forks as well as all my wagons and all the dragon glass.. I put on my riding gear and saddled Lydia up. I let out one long whistle and each and every griffin asleep or on the cliffs followed me towards Winterfell.

"To the ship Lyd," Lydia dived down and we landed as well as the other griffins in front of the ships. I slid off her back and lead my best pack horses to the wagons and put three on each. I gave the orders and sent the wagons and horses towards Winterfell. The griffins rested for an hour or so and we began our last flight to Winterfell.

Lydia landed and I was greeted by a fiery red-head. She had a half smile as I took off my hood. I bowed and met her eyes with a smirk.

"Lady of Winterfell. You've wanted to be queen for...years," I stood up and Sansa tackled me in a hug. I closed my eyes and hugged her tightly. A sigh left her mouth and I smiled she let go of me and took my hand.

"Come see Arya and Jon," She said. I nodded and followed. Lydia followed as we walked out of the gates. I heard a roar and ducked as a gust of wind flew over us. A black dragon followed by a green glided over, chasing my Argens (The griffins). I let out a long whistle and Lydia spread her wings. The dragons were after Fyre, her brother. Lydia and I flew up and a remarkable speed. She body slammed into the green dragon and I jumped onto the black one's back. I found some way to control him and get his attention away from Lyd and Fyre.

"Gīda. Iksan daor kesīr naejot ōdrikagon ao," (Calm. I'm not here to hurt you) I cooed towards the dragon as he tried to get me off. I rubbed his neck and continued to talk to him. I started to hum as he began to glide over a canyon, the green one following. He landed where I slid off his back, "See I'm not that bad," I said but he huffed. "Oh c'mon! At least I didn't try to kill you! You were after my bird!" I said. He huffed again and blew snow at me. I started to throw snow at both dragons until I heard Lydia. I looked up and saw Jon on her. Drogon growled at Lydia but I shushed him and saw another on Lydia behind Jon. silver hair flowed behind her.

"You can ride dragons!?" Jon asked.

"I guess," I shrugged. I looked up and smiled at him. We ran towards each other and met in a bone crushing hugging. I sighed and he set me down.

"Xandera meet Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen," I smiled softly and bent on one knee sliding my sword from the sheathe. I stuck it into the ground and bowed my head.

"You've my allegiance as well as the six houses on the East of Winterfell my Queen," I pledged.

"It is greatly appreciated Xander," She said. I stood up and felt a huff behind me. I turned around as the black dragon nudged me. I pet the side of his nose until Lydia saw then she jumped at him.

"Lydia stop!" I yelled. Daenerys ran to Drogon but he spat fire towards Lydia. My eyes burst into the bright red and my original skin showed along my arm. I basically summoned tree roots and shielded Lydia and myself. I fell to my knees and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. Lydia nudged me and helped me up. The roots fled back into the Earth and Jon's sword was pulled out. My eyes shifted back to the blue and I met Jon's dark eyes.

"What are you?"

"Remember when I told you I was much older then I seemed when we first met?" I asked softly.

"I asked what you were!" He growled.

"Jon Snow, I asked you if you remember," I said. He nodded then his eyes widened. He dropped his sword and looked at me.

"What?" Daenerys asked.

"You're one of the Children," I nodded.

"I came to find Bran mainly. My sister died defending him from the walkers. I had warged into Lydia and helped protect them so he could get away,"

"You're a-" I nodded.

"Where is Brandon Stark?"

(Time Skip)

I followed Jon and Dany to the courtyard and saw Bran in a wheelchair. His eyes met mine and a small smile appeared on his face. I ran to him and hugged him. His arms wrapped around me and he leaned his head into my shoulder. I leaned my forehead against his with my hand on his cheek.

"I thought they found you," I mumbled.

"Meera got me away. Leaf?"

"While you were warged she-" Bran stopped me.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be. Her and I are the reason they are here. We will be the reason they die,"

"You were too young to know,"

"But I could've stopped myself. I saw how he acted...I could've killed him when it was just him,"

"No you couldn't have. Xan look at me," I met Bran's brown eyes. He smiled at me. "I know you thought you could've but in all reality you couldn't. They were meant to live for this moment. A war of life and death," I pressed my forehead to his again.

"If I die-"

"I won't want to live," He said.

"You'll have to," I said. "You have to continue on Brandon," He shook his head. I kissed his forehead. Then it happened. The horn went off once, twice...three times. I watched as Bran snapped back to his dazed, serious self.

"Xandera Highwater, stay safe," He said and while being accompanied by ten other men, he was taken to the weirwood...

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