Run Away

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At your nightly ice skating session, Yuuri decided to tag along as well as Viktor, finally having discovered where you always went. Eventually, the topic you hadn't wanted to talk about came up.

"What's your theme for your new routines?" Yuuri asked, as he leaned on the edge of the rink.

"Regrowth," you answer without missing a beat. "Well, the short routine is themed Regrowth, about recovering from my injury. The free program's theme is a bit of a mess right now."

"Can I see the routines?"


"Why not?"

"Because they're not ready yet."

"They won't be ready if you don't practice them," Viktor stated.

"I don't want an audience to practice them yet."

"What about your old routines? Can we see them? You were doing so beautifully before. I want to see you skate," Yuuri pleaded.

"No," you shut down, your tone laced with a growl, making Yuuri flinch at the dark reaction. Viktor, however, apparently didn't get the message that I didn't want to talk about it.

"Why is that?" Viktor asked.

"Do you skate your old routines?" I pushed straight back at him.



"I'm just forgetful. I don't remember them," he smiled, tilting his head in what was supposed to be a cute expression. It probably would've been too if it wasn't for the fact your mood was taking a turn for the worst at the thoughts of those old routines, and more specifically, the person behind them. "I would've thought with all your talk of building back up, you would be desperate to skate your old routines again."

"Well, I'm just not, so leave it alone."

"Lost the feeling of your theme? Bliss, wasn't it?"

"Stop it!"

"Viktor," Yuuri said in warning.

"If it's bliss, you can just think about me," Viktor shrugged, as if it were that easy, as if he knew that right now, I wasn't thinking about the two men I was talking to but about the one that broke my heart in the past.

"Not everything is about you!" you growl, going to get off the ice, taking off your skates.

"Hmmm? But I helped you get back on the ice. Surely you feel something towards me," he said, following you.

"I think anger and frustration sum it up pretty well."

"Anger can turn into affection pretty quickly," Viktor continued, coming around and stroking your cheek. As you went to slap his hand away, he instead grabbed your wrist, holding it. You tried to break it free but his grip was too strong. "Has anyone told you you're very cute?" Your eyes widened as you began to panic.

"Stop it!"

"Viktor," Yuuri repeated, his voice tinged in panic. Viktor ignored him as his other hand gently grabbed your chin, tilting it up.

"I don't know what happened in your past, but you need to stop looking back so you don't miss the future," he said softly, tauntingly almost before he brought his lips to yours. When you'd imagined kissing Viktor back when you'd idolised him, you'd imagine it'd be soft and sweet, affectionate. And considering the situation you found yourself in, it was surprisingly soft, a huge contrast to his sharp words and the hand gripping your wrist. At the strange turn of events that you never thought would occur, you freaked out. You pushed him away, eyes widened and breathing shallow. You stared at Viktor for a moment, long enough to see his eyes widened as he realised just how huge a line he crossed before you ran. You ran as fast as your legs could take you, not caring about the fact you weren't wearing shoes. There were only 2 things that mattered to you right now. One was that you needed to get away. Far far away. And the 2nd was the burning desire you had to see your best friend and curl up and cry. Luckily for you, the two coincided as you ducked back to Yu-Topia long enough for you to shove some clothes in a bag and put on shoes and before you were out the door again.

Pagophobia [Viktor x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora