Chapter XXXI - The Impression

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After an hour of lurking around and tasting different types of wine, Marybeth knew Rem was already tipsy. So, every time he will ask a server to fill in his glass, she will not allow him. She also looked for Jimmy and Dricks to help her out. It took her about 15 minutes to look for the two. During those, the alcohol took effect on him.

Jimmy and Dricks guided Rem. They led him into a part where there was a couch. They just let him rest on one of the sofas and asked him to stay there.

"Come on guys, I am just enjoying the party," said Rem, who was obviously not on his normal self. His eyes were red and tender while his white face turned reddish, looked like he was slapped several times. His speech was slur while his breath smelled alcohol. "Let's drink. Hooray for Arkimans," Rem shouted catching attention from some people.

"Rem calm down. Some of the officials can hear you," said Jimmy.

Jimmy asked for a server to bring them water and a glass of fresh fruit juice. Dricks left them to look for Vincent.

"What?" asked Rem. "I'm calm. I'm happy. I can now serve the stupid vow of mine. Hooray for Arkimans," he again shouted with some more people stopping just to take a look.

"Rem, can you please stop," said Marybeth. "You are making a scene."

"Alright, I will stop," Rem said. "In one condition: one kiss," he added reaching for Marybeth's face. She didn't say a word but she removed Rem's hand. She rolled her eyes.

"Stop it, or I'll leave," said Marybeth.

"Alright, I'll stop now. I love you..."

Jimmy asked Rem to drink water and fruit juice so the alcohol will subside. However, after drinking water, he threw up with some witnessing it. Sounds of disgust were heard in the party. Vincent arrived and asked Jimmy to carry him. They left the party area and into a room, where they laid him.

"Jimmy, please go to the clinic and ask the pharmacist for Dihyprosine," said Vincent. "It's the best we can have to make the alcohol effect subside. Anytime, these guys will be called to the stage."

"Dricks, please go back to the party and tell Heitzberg that I'm letting Rem and Marybeth rest for a few more minutes. Don't tell him Rem got drunk."

"Marybeth, please look for a towel in this room and dump it."

Vincent stripped Rem off to his underwear. The young man was completely passed out. Marybeth immediately arrived with a wet towel and a basin with water. The two helped each other in cleaning him.

Few minutes after, Dricks came back and told Vincent that Heitzberg agreed. A few more minutes, Jimmy came back with the medicine.

"Rem, wake up," said Vincent shaking Rem.

Rem raised his head and opened his one eye.

"What happened?" asked Rem.

"You passed out after drinking too much Olah-Olah," said Vincent. "Drink this. It is very effective in removing alcohol in the body."

Rem tried to sit down but he can't. Jimmy rushed to help him. He reached for the tablets and took it with a glass of water.

"Take a rest Burrows while we wait for that medicine to take effect," said Vincent. "I told you to enjoy the party, not to get wasted."

After 15 minutes, the alcohol indeed subsided. Rem took a shower and get dressed. The group then went back to the party.


"Wait here. I'll inform Heitzberg that you guys are ready," said Vincent.

After five minutes, he returned and asked Rem and Marybeth to follow him. They stopped after reaching the side of the mini stage. They saw Heitzberg standing and ready to speak on the microphone.

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