The extroverts.

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Dear Extroverts,

I know you're born cool and stuff, but because of you I feel intimidated. 

The way you can make friends in like two minutes of meeting a stranger.. I can't.

The way you can talk to any random person without feeling awkward.. I can't.

The way you can make people believe you and like without trying much.. I can't.

The way you always seem to have friends around.. I don't.

The way you participate in all activities and groups.. I can't.

The way you seem to have the perfect parents/ boyfriend/ friends.. I don't.

The way you seem to be everyone's favorite.. I am not.

The way you always make people smile.. I can't.

The way you are never afraid.. I am.

A L W A Y S.


Amber a.k.a The Introvert.

Nutella ( Wattpadprize14 )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz