Chapter 2 - It's Not Funny

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After the park, we'll go home to my house and take a bath together. Splashing water at each other and laughing.

Poppy POV

As I walked home, I started thinking about my ex. I don't know why, but he just came to mind.

"Your leaving m-me?" I stuttered my lips trembling.

He cupped my face. "Shh. Don't cry. It's alright. I want you to be happy with someone else." Jacob said.

"But your the only one that makes me happy." I admit. He closed his eyes and then opened them.

I stare into his beautiful bright hazel eyes. His light brown skin touched my hands.

"I want you to know I will always love you and I will never forget you Poppy." He says.
A tear slides down my cheek and he catches it.

"I love you too." I say. He sighs and engulfs me in a hug. With his hands around me, I felt safe in his arms. I didn't want him to leave...but he had to.

He made me feel beautiful, confident, and brave. I don't know what I would do without him.

I shake my head and continue walking. I take out my phone calling my car dealer and telling them I need it fixed. I was told it would be fixed in 2 weeks.


I finally got home, my legs exhausted.

"Gucci!" I yelled. She would always greet me right away when I got home.

"Gucci?" I say getting a little scared.

I walk into my room and screamed.
I found Gucci lying upside down. I walk over to her and fall on my knees.

"Gucci." I cry. My hands over my face and my body trembling.

I suddenly feel my face being licked. I let my hands go over to the dog that licked me.

"Gucci!" I exclaim. She starts barking, laughing at me.

How rude.

"It's not funny!" I exclaim.
She starts rolling on the floor and I leave my room.

What a prankster she is. Pretending she's dead.

I feel her trail behind as I walk over to the kitchen to cook myself some dinner.

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