Chapter 10

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In the center of town square of a small village, a puppet show played for all to see

A princess was on the stage just a a knight began to join her

But in the middle of all this a small boy rack sacked all of the villagers coins, his fingers were quick and slick as they were focused on the puppet show ahead

When he had finished he disappeared inside the carriage of the puppeteers

At the end of the show, the boy and his parents went through the amount of coins, he mostly let them just fall out of the bags as he opened them

"Woah! Woah! Whoa! Whoa! Careful. Careful," his father warned

"Don't let those coins roll away," his mother added

"No. They might. . . disappear," his farther spoke as he made the coin disappear and then reappear from behind his mother ear

"Whoop. Whoop. Ha. Look at that," his father laughed as he went back to assorting through the coins

The boy went through a bag and found a caged cricket, the cricket chirped

"Oh, a cricket! I love crickets!" The boy exclaimed as he examined the cricket

"Crickets are trouble. Noisy bugs," his mother muttered

"But they get to do whatever they want--hopping from place to place. They're free," the boy explained

"You're free," his mother began

"To do what we want," his father added

"To be who you are," his mother added

"And you are who you are," his father said

"Well, maybe I want to be something else. Maybe I don't wanna steal. Maybe I wanna be good," the boy mumbled

"All that from a cricket," his father spoke

"Told ya. Trouble," his mother spoke

" 'Good' is another word for 'weak'," his father spoke

"Let us so the thinking for you," his mother spoke

"That's what parents are for," his father added

"To help you," his mother added

"You are who you are, and there's no changing it, Jiminy. Right?" His father said

"Right," Jiminy repeated

"Problem solved," his father spoke as he made another coin disappear
I was just hanging out with Ruby on her break since today was my day off, Granny thought I was working way too much and made me have a day off and she'd raise my pay

"So, how cute in the baby? I have yet to see her," Ruby asked

"She's adorable, her name is Alexandra. And she is the cutest thing ever, well besides Henry," I spoke

"Speaking of cute, got your eyes on any guys lately? Huh?" Ruby spoke as she wiggles her eyebrows

"Well, no. But for some reason last night I drew this picture," I spoke, grabbing the folded paper from my bag and handing it to her

 But for some reason last night I drew this picture," I spoke, grabbing the folded paper from my bag and handing it to her

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