"Dearest Nia."

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Virat's pov. I better see some comments please. Tell me what you think. This chapter's a little different and it's a sneak peak in Virat's life. Enjoy!!


Dear Nia,

Is it okay?

To feel lost?

To feel incomplete?

To feel hollow? Empty?

Is it okay?

To feel lost?

But to never be found.

To feel broken?

But to never get fixed? Because that's what you feel like you deserve?

To feel like you're never good enough?

But feel enough at all.

I turned to the next page and kept writing.

Dearest Nia,

Happiness is a small word. A small word comprising of what? Nine alphabets? Then why does it affect our life so much? Nine alphabets are responsible for whatever happens? Nine alphabets.

We work day and night for what? Nine alphabets? We live and laugh, we cry and sob, we grief. These words comprise of mere alphabets but we can live and die because of them-

"Writing again?" I hid the notebook and quickly stood up, throwing it inside my bag.

"Just scribbling random stuff." I replied and walked towards my manager.

"They are waiting." I heard her say and I nodded.

I entered the huge hall that comprised of hundreds of people, the front rows however were filled with people from media. Electronic, print, social. All of them.

They wanted answers. Answers to why Virat Kohli would want to do anything with NGO's and charity organizations and hospitals. Why would he work so much to stop people from becoming druggies?

Why Virat Kohli would fight for women rights, why would he give speeches? Why would he tell people to never give up?

I took a deep breath and stood in front of the microphone.

"I know there are people around me, around us. People that would love to see me fail. People who would do anything, just literally anything to have a glimpse of me break."

I took a deep breath again and took the Mic with me, I stood in the middle now.

"This is something that we all can relate to, the important thing is to learn from it." I said and then went back to reading what I was l before.

"So should I give them the satisfaction and finally break? Or should I keep going on? What do you do when you feel like the whole world just might be against You? Do you quit? Or do you keep going on? Do these thoughts go around in your minds too? And if they do, do you believe your mind, just like mine is an empty canvas? That there is no painting? Just a few doodles?"

I heard voices chanting a yes.

"This is my fifth organization in three years. I have been trying to get over things in my life, trying to make the best out of worse situations. Trying to become something else, someone else. Life makes you choose people, they hurt you. Or you hurt them. They leave, they want you to grow. But how can you grow when you don't feel like breathing anymore? How? I'll tell you all how."

"Do not and I repeat do not let forces  make you change. Change when your heart tells you to. Change for your loved ones, change for the people who have supported you. Change for the ones who never gave up. Humans leave you but atleast they leave you breathing. Drugs? They leave you dead. My name is Virat Kohli. I am the captain of the Indian Cricket team and trust me when I say this, even a captain can get ruined due to these petty drugs. Thank you very much."

I walked down the stairs with my guards wanting to move out.


"Virat, please we have a few questions?"

"Virat why do you focus so much on social issues? Domestic violence, Drugs, women rights?"

"Virat, how does it feel to be on the list of top hundred influential people?"

"Virat how does global domination feel?"

These questions. These damn questions.

I smiled softly, turned around and looked at the press.

"When will you learn? I'll never answer your questions."

With that, I left.

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