"Nia, please."

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"Nia, please." I pleaded.

"Let me finish, Virat." She whispered and placed her hand on mine.

It was warm. She took a shaky breath and looked at me with her sad eyes again.

"Virat, I can't be with you. I can't be with you because I love you so much that I forget myself when I'm with you. I love you so much that I can't breathe right around you. I love you so much that I'm willing to forgive every thing that you have ever done in one heartbeat."

My heart stopped at her confession. The words hitting deep in my chest. I wanted to hold her and tell her how much she meant to me in that moment.

She possibly couldn't imagine how much I loved her. How much I had suffered without her and how much I would suffer if she left me.

I squeezed her hand.

"If you love me so much, why are you leaving me? Don't leave. I'll be better now. I promise." I hated pleading. I hate asking people for forgiveness. It was something my ego couldn't tolerate but when it came to Nia, it all vanished now.

Living without her made me realise that husbands need their wives more than the wives need their husbands. I hated feeling lonely. I missed her every single day. And every single day I strived to become a man better for her.

Nia glanced at me with her wet lashes, a sign that she was crying.

"Virat, you've changed. I see it in your eyes but I haven't. I have to do this for myself. Now is not the right time for me to be with you. But right now is the time for us to be together as a family." Her words made me more confused than before.

What did she mean?

"I don't understand." I murmured.

"I want Naail to have a father figure. I don't want him deprived of a father's love. So maybe we can function together for him."

Was she saying what I think she was saying?

"As a family?" I asked again.

"Yes." She responded softly.

"So would you want to move back home?"

I asked hesitantly. I still didn't understand.

"I would do anything for my child."

Always the selfless one. She hadn't changed. She sacrificed her happiness for me first and now she was doing it for our child.

My mother used to say that a woman is the most selfless creature on earth. Maybe she was right.

"Are you saying you're going to move back home with me?" My voice showed my hope and pleasure.

"Yes. But I have some requirements."

"Anything you want." I said quickly. Nia nodded and stood up.

"I want us to live in separate rooms. I won't quit my job, I'll shift to my company's branch in India. I won't compromise on anything this time, Virat. If at any moment, it gets hard for you to live with me like that, you can divorce me. I'm doing what I think is right for my child but I won't tell you to wait for me. If you find someone that you think is good for you, I'll get out of your way."

She had it all planned. She knew what she was doing and how she was doing it. She said she hadn't changed at all but she had changed. She had matured.

"It will only ever be you, Nia. It has always been you." I told her.

She chuckled sadly.

"Virat, I don't want you to get your hopes up. Maybe at some point when I'm mentally ready to be with you, maybe then we could do this. Right now, I'm sorry." She shouldn't apologize.

Not to me.

"Don't be. Any other woman would have defamed me in the society, would have me punished for the twisted things I did. But you, you're too nice. I don't deserve you."

I told her the truth.

"Maybe you don't, Virat. But I love you and that can't go away."

She told me the truth too. This was life. Utter complicated.

"We would be the first couple who are madly in love yet not together." I remarked and helped her put the dishes on the counter. She washed them while I cleaned them.

"That's not true, Vee. Life is fucked up."

She hadn't called me Vee in years. I had missed her calling me that.

"I guess,"

I held her by the shoulders and looked at her.

"Thank you, Nia. For all that you've done and for all that you're doing. I didn't think you would ever want to do anything with me. But here you are."

"Love makes people do things they don't want to do."

Love makes us do everything and nothing. Four words and our life depends on it.

Wasn't it crazy how love did us apart and it was bringing us together again? Not in the way I wanted but something was better than nothing.

"I love you."

"I love you too, I don't want to but I do." She told me..

I kissed the top of her head and moved back. I glanced at her and then saw the time on my watch.

"Can I stay tonight? Please. I can't go back after all this."

She seemed taken back by my sudden wish but the look on her face told me her answer was a no.

"I'm sorry, Virat. But I have to do a few things."

She was probably overwhelmed by our conversation..she needed time. I should have given her more time.


I stepped back and started to walk away. She called me from behind.

"Virat? One more thing."

"Yeah baby?" The endearment still had the same affect on her before.

"Can we live with your mother when we go back? Till I'm comfortable living with you alone." She asked. I nodded.

"I would do anything you want, Nia. You know that." She did know that.

"Thank you. Good Night, Virat."

"Nia?" This time, Nia turned around and I called her from behind. She looked at me after tilting her face.


"You promise to come back to me, someday?" I asked one last time. Just to confirm that this was happening.

"I promise. Good night, Virat."

This time I won't let her go. This time I'll watch her grow. This time, I'll wait.

And this time, she won't leave. I won't give her a reason to.

I will Love her forever.

Till death does us apart.


One last epilogue left. Hope you all enjoyed 💖

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