"The hospital."

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No more updates after this. Not every day. God, i have no control over myself.

Hello g. It's me, back with an update. Make sure to vote and comment. Dont be a silent reader and ill make sure to update.

Also check out my new story flying officers. Add it in your library! Okay bye! Enjoy the chapter.


Accident and emergencies, fatal diseases and their expensive treatments, ambulances lined up outside in the parking lot, paramedics bringing in patients on trollies and wheelchairs, the hospital hall is simple and depressing. Grey floors and white walls graced the hall with their non existent colors.

The paramedics brought her on the stretcher, her eyes closed and face pale as a ghost. I followed them inside with hurried steps. I have Naail in my arms screeching.

"Mam, you cannot follow them. It's not allowed." The receptionist informed me, stopping me from going inside.

A tear escaped my eye but I managed to nod.

My heart sank into my chest as I saw the stretcher disappear behind the door.

I rubbed Naail on the back, watching him slowly calm down.

Xander sat beside me as well.

I got a call from my neighbour at the time when I had a coffee with him. She told me my mother was lying on the floor unconscious and pale. My heart had stopped in that moment.

I had rushed to the hospital as she had already called 911. I took a deep breath and waited for the doctor.

"She'll be fine. Don't worry." Xander's voice comforted me but it didn't stop me from worrying.

He sat beside me for two hours, not saying anything. He just observed me. I looked at him finally.

"Go home, Xander. It's a Sunday and you have work tomorrow." I told him.

"No, I'd rather stay." He said back but I shook my head.

"I'll call you if something happens. You go, okay? I don't know how long I'll have to be here so just..okay?" I whispered.

He understood now. I needed to be alone.

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

With a soft kiss on my cheek, he left.

I let the tears drop on my cheek.

If anything happened to my mom, I wouldn't be able to make it. I would be ruined. She's the only person who knows exactly what I am. Who I am. She's the only thing keeping me strong. She's the only person who makes me feel good enough.

Oh God. Why is life so hard on me? So unfair?


A voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at the doctor. I stood up quickly.

"Your mother is fine." I released the breath I was holding. Oh Thank God!

I looked at the doctor again.

"But we'll need to operate on her soon. One of the valves in her heart is blocked and we need to to surgery on her. I'd recommend it highly."

He informed making me nod. My mother's brother also had a surgery because of it and he was fine now. There wasn't anything to worry about.

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