Broken Soul-chapter 2

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Annabelle's Pov

I thought of a time when Christian was actually nice and a down to earth person. When he would  play with me and  kiss my boo-boo when I’m hurt. He was so nice but people changed I guess that was also the last day I’d ever  see my parents alive ever again. I shook myself of those thoughts. “Be Strong” I told myself.

Max was coming back even though I knew I wouldn’t get alot of hits when he was around. I knew as he stepped outside of the door, I’ll get the makeup beatings for when he was here and they had to try being humane with my presence around them. Constantly reminding them of the girl who killed her parents and her unborn sibling, so I’ve been told.

I sigh as I got out of my room if I could even call it that. It was small as a janitor’s closet. I stored all of my clothes in a bag I found while running. I don’t have plenty of clothes either but I’ll live. I head out to the lake to bathe as usually. I’ve always bathe in the lake. As my pack members would say I’d constantly run up the water bill if I was to shower and they didn’t want my fat, nasty self in their clean, expensive showers. And that’s a lie because my pack is filthy rich.

I don’t know where Christian can find the money to pay for this but for all I know he could be involved in drugs or something dangerous. Ecch it wouldn’t surprise me at all. My wolf whimpers at the thought. Mhmm what’s that about I wondered. I got out of the lake quickly and tied the towel to my leg and shifted into my Grey wolf. And ran to the pack house to change into my clothes which consist of white jeans, a cute black tank top and my favourite black and white all-star converse.

I went to the Party Store and gather everything I possibly could from Chips and dip and even alcohol for the some of the teens to drink. I came back in 20 minutes and started to put everything up even the Welcome Home Max banner I had made for him. I set up the food station and was startled to see It was just 6:45 and that I had 15 minutes till Max got here. I head upstairs to my room and tried to make myself look decent. I add my golden star earrings and apply smokey eye shadow to make my grey eyes pop out. Overall I thought I’d look  hot and who knows maybe id meets my mate here.

I sighed just thinking of my mate made me all tingly. I went downstairs to find the party in full blast and decided to skip the crazy dancing and teenage groping and try to find my brother. I have been looking for my brother for half an hour and still haven’t found him. I was walking through the sea of sweaty bodies when I felt a tingle shot straight through my arm and that when I smelt the most intoxicating smell ever.

It smelt of rain forest and dirt. Yeah weird combination but that was what drew my wolf in “Mate” she screamed inside my head. “Mate” I whisper and just like that the music stopped and when Christian turned around. I caught his eyes and for the first time in my life. I felt happy I smile up at him considering he was pretty tall.

" You’re my mate Christian" I told him I tried to reach for his hands but he stepped back. “Get back to what you all were doing” and just like that the music started and Christian dragged me upstairs with him to his office. He sat down looking oh-so incredibly sexy in his black v-neck shirt that seemed to be a second skin as it made his muscles well defined. and black jeans that made his legs more defined. All in all he was hot .Just looking at him made me horny.

“Well you stop that!” he shouted at me

“Stop what” I whimpered

“Your arousal I can practically smell you all the way from here” he groaned.

“I’m sorry but I’m so happy I finally found my mate” I squeaked

“Will you shut your fucking mouth god your voice is so damn annoying I feel to cut my own ears off!” he shouted. My wolf was silently crying on the inside for her mate.

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