Chapter 16: Sean

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Saturday, December 31st

I'm almost positive that I'm not nearly as intoxicated as I'd like to be. This ball was already a dud to begin with without Sang here, but for Raven to then come over and accuse us of being the reason that Kayli's gone too is insane! The only reason Kayli's gone is because she's finally realized what a true friend is!

My brothers are faring no better than me. I'm sure we all want to be drunk right now, but we know that here isn't the place to do it. They're just moping around our large dinner table. North and Nathan just grunt at anyone who talks to them ever since Raven came over. At least they aren't drowning their sorrows the way I know they'd like to. Not like the Toma's. Although, I don't know why they're drinking so heavily. I know that they've spoken to their bird. We haven't seen or heard from Sang since she left.

Those gifts she sent for Christmas though...those gifts have been keeping us together. I've been using the origami set that she gave me to make 1000 paper cranes. I've only made it to 700 but I still have time. If the legends are true then I'll have good luck. I don't need much, just enough to make a wish. Just enough to have Pookie come back to us.

I miss her smiles. I miss her giggles. I miss giving her the cure. I need my Pookie. She's our heart.

We need to find a way to convince her to take us back when school starts up. That's my new year's wish. For us to get our heart back.











Happy New Year Sang. Wherever you are.

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