The Note

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2nd week of school and I'm already wanting it to be summer again. Nothing like staying up till 12 at night doing essays and waking up at 6 in the morning to catch the bus. As I walked into math class I see her, all I could think about was the wink she gave me. What did it mean!!! she was the most captivating thing I had ever seen. I always told myself that I would be an astronomer because I thought the stars were the most captivating thing ever , but I was so wrong. She had me hypnotized.

"Mr. Winstin, we don't have all day for you to keep standing their please take a seat." The teacher said firmly.

I swiftly looked around to try to find a seat as fast as I could so I didn't look like a weirdo. I noticed an empty seat and immediately sat in it. The only problem was that I was sitting right next to Victoria. Although, the more I thought about the situation the more I started to question if it was bad. I mean, this could be my chance to make my move, but if it goes wrong she might think of me as a total ass-head for the rest of the year. Do I really want to risk that? Yes... I have to, plus we already kind-of met when she knocked on my door. I just have to go for it. So, I took out a piece of paper and wrote down:

hey, I'm John. How did that party go? I hope you found the right house :)

I folded the paper up and handed it to her. I watched her read the note and I nervously waited for her to give me any kind of reply or smile but just then, my plan backfired. Of course my stupid self forgot that there is still such thing as teachers and somehow this one has eyes in the back of her head because once the teacher saw the note she quickly snatched it out of Victoria's hands and began to read the note out loud.

"hey, I'm John. How did that party go? I hope you found the right house" she said and then crumbled the paper up and looked at us both. At this point I just wanted to run out of the class room in embarrassment.

"well then, I guess you too can get to know each other better in detention tomorrow" she said with a smile on her face that made it clear that she was having fun putting us both in detention. My head jolted up to look at the teacher once I heard her say detention. Its bad enough I got  detention on the 2nd week of school but I also got the girl that I haven't been able to stop thinking about in weeks in detention as well....I'm never passing notes in class again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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